15: nightmare

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My stomach churns as I sit on the edge of the bed, reeling from the full understanding of my dream

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My stomach churns as I sit on the edge of the bed, reeling from the full understanding of my dream. I hold my stomach as I hunch over slightly, my back facing the door. The windows were open to let in the night breeze. I need anything to make this realization go away.

I wish I never wanted to understand the truth I hid so desperately when I was 6. Why did it never occur to me there was a reason that it was a secret? I didn't remember it due to something, but of course, I had to push past any common sense to satisfy my own curiosity.

Forcing myself to stand, I grab some black jeans and a white turtleneck. I lay them out on my bed and take a quick shower. The bruises and injuries from a few weeks ago were still healing. I didn't have to take pain medicine for them anymore. I'd be cleared by the end of January.

I try to think about anything else while I shower. Cats, Mr. Snuffles, Flynn Ryder, Tangled, Frozen, Big Hero 6, Thanksgiving, Mr. Bunny. I finish quickly and get out, desperate to hide my body. I slip on the clothes I set out and tuck in the front of the turtleneck. My eyes droop as I fail to find the happiness that usually resides in them.

Gritting my teeth, I ignore it. I quickly brush through my ringlets and I focus on the way they curl. So much progress has been made in my hair becoming healthy again. A tiny smile tugs at my lips and I welcome the warm feeling.

I brush my teeth and wash my face. I take a moment to examine it now. My acne has cleared up considerably and now I'd only get a pimple here and there. Sophia and I talked about many different things, including makeup. She spent alot of time practicing. It made me want to try too.

I pull my curly hair into a high pony tail and leave a two pieces to frame my face. Sophia said it would help give my face definition or something like that. I clean up any mess in my bathroom and close the door behind me. I slip on some white high top converse and grab a small purse. I drop in my airpods and phone.

Taking a glance at my alarm clock, I wince when I read that it's 4:00 in the morning. I quietly leave my room. I shouldn't leave by myself. My eyes linger on Fransesco's room. Fear runs down my spine and I quickly look away. Marcello.. He needs some rest. Luca would question me and Allessandro would probably figure me out at first glance. I take a deep breath before entering Valentino's room.

He groans as my footsteps lightly tread towards him. "Whoever's coming to kill me, I won't fight back. This hangover's a bitch," Valentino announces, pulling his grey sheets over his head. I chuckle softly and his head pops back up. "Principessa? Is that you?"

"Hey Val," I greet softly, trying to keep my voice low as to not hurt his head anymore. The sun had barely starting coming up. I sit down on the edge of his bed as he sits up. "Do you want to do something with me today?"

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