18: darkness

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Pursing my lips, I stare at Fransesco's sleeping figure next to mine. His whole body is practically crushing mine. I feel bad for whoever he marries in the future. They'll be a pancake every night.

A small smirk rises on my lips as I quietly move my fingers above his ribs. My shoulders shake as I struggle to contain my giggles and in a quick movement, I pinch his ribs as hard as I can. I screech with laughter as he jumps out of his skin with a loud grunt, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull.

"Oh my fucking- you little shit, what the fuck," Fransesco blurts out, holding a calloused hand over his pounding heart. I can barely breathe as I'm clutching my stomach to relieve the pain in my abs. His pale blue eyes dart to me accusingly. "We bond and shit and this is how you repay me?"

I'm gasping for air by the time he's staring at me with a flat expression. I weakly kick away the covers. "I-I'm gonna.. pee myself..." I cry, practically running to the bathroom.

"That's fucking gross!" His voice calls after me as I slam the door shut. I struggle to breathe for a few more moments until I've finally calmed down. A wide grin lingers on my lips when I leave a few moments later.

Fransesco has the pillow over his head with his stomach facing the mattress. My grin widens as I jump on his back, spreading out like a starfish. He groans louder, his hand swatting the air above his head. "Let. Me. Fucking. Sleep."

"Hmm," I pretend to think, tapping his shoulders gently. "No."

He turns his head to where he can look at me from the corner of his eye and I smile mischeviously. "Annaliese?"

"Yes big bro?"

"Fuck off."

I gasp dramatically, hitting the back of his head lightly. "Bad Franny," I scold him.

Fransesco groans again, stuffing his face in his pillow. He pulls his arm back and tackles me to the bed singlehandedly. His strong arm pulls me to his side. He's holding me like I cuddle Mr. Bunny to sleep!

"Now be a good kid and shut it," Fransesco grumbles, pushing his face into my hair. I sit there for a few moments until the delicious smell of bacon wafts towards me. My energy spikes back up and I try to jump out of his arms.

"Franny, Franny, they're making dinner. We gotta go," I tell him excitedly. He sighs and faces me, his cheek pushing into the pillow.

"I'm not gonna get any sleep am I?" He questions, more to himself.

I giggle. "Nope," I sing, tugging on his muscley arm. He narrows his eyes at me and reluctantly gets out the bed.

"Shoo brat, I have to get changed," Fransesco mutters grumpily, turning his back to me while he sits on the edge of his comfy mattress. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck in a short, tight hug.

"Okie dokie!" I exclaim, releasing him and rushing to the door. "I'm coming back in a few minutes so don't you dare go back to sleep Fran!"

"Don't you dare go back to sleep, Fran," He mocks as I close the door behind me. The weight that's been dragging me down for so long finally lifted, even if it's a little bit.

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