Je Suis Joli

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Je Suis Joli

Do you believe that you are pretty?
That you have the sweetest smile on the world?
Or so you constantly compare yourself to others?
Well, what do you think is the raison d'être?
Is life nothing but a waste to you?
Is there nothing really worth living for?
Do you feel like you are just going through life day by day,
Doing the same thing and wondering what the point even is?

Walk up to the mirror and say "Je suis joli."
Find something you love and make sure to do it every single day.
Make time for what you love and do it.
Surround yourself with people who care about you-
With people who you want to be like,
Not people that you want to be.
Appreciate the little things that make you you.
Take a mini adventure.
Do what you really want to do, and don't let anything stand in your way.
Be your own person.
Take a chance.
Take a risk.
Because you are beautiful.

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