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You are quite sweet, looks of extraordinary beauty,

But I'm ugly, always going upon my duties,

Trying to make everything okay for him.

Remember that I married he on a whim.

Oh! how wrong was I

To think that he was the guy

When you were standing here all along!

Your face so radiant, arms so strong.

I sneak out to you every night,

Whether or not he and I are in a fight.

I sneak out to you for comfort and protection,

Even though I know that I'll never win.

I want to be with you

But what am I to do?

If I tell he that it's not meant to be

Only more will he abuse me.

I guess I was wrong to try this,

I knew that things would only go amiss!

But who am I to say what's right

When in one eye, I've already lost sight.

He did this to me, you know.

My heart yearns for revenge, does it show?

Yet every night I go to bed, loving he

But wanting to be with ye.

My mind is so conflicted,

And you cry as I am whipped

Trying to decide whether to take the abuse,

Or take your ex wife and fill the shoes?

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