Tired or Wiser?
Maybe I'm tired or the fact that I'm getting wiser,
But I don't want to put up with your crude remarks anymore.
I would love to yell at you and write something as revenge
Maybe a novel, and have a character based on around you
And everything you did to me to make me so upset
And confused
And angry
But I'm going to keep quiet, for now, and keep it all in tune
I might be a "drama queen" and "too dramatic"
But that's just me and you need to leave
Others can accept who I am, but you....
I needed you and you treated me.... like that
Maybe this is a dramatic poem
No, it doesn't rhyme
But it has feeling
And that's all a poem needs
For me
Feelings, Fantasies, and Other Thoughts on Life
ПоэзияLife gets out of hand all the time, but sometimes it goes according to plan. Other times, you'd wish that it would go a certain way, and other times you're completely baffled by life. Well, here are my feelings, fantasies, and other thoughts on li...