I Cannot Help You
They don't need to know, you know
You can just walk away from this all right now, you know
You can fake a smile
And you can lie a mile
No one will know that you're faking
That every single waking
Moment of your life
You carry with strife
No one needs to know about the pain you induce
About how you pour over old Dr. Seuss
As a way to deal with all the pain
Well, just for the record, rereading children's books is no gain
Don't you dare look at me like that!
I'm trying to save you from embarrassment of a cat in a hat!
You can tell everyone how low your life truly is
And I'll stand in the corner going, tsk-tsk
I'll watch your popularity begin to fall
And I'll be laughing by that wall
No, I won't help you
Because right now I'm sincerely trying to
And if this isn't enough help
Then I cannot help

Feelings, Fantasies, and Other Thoughts on Life
PoetryLife gets out of hand all the time, but sometimes it goes according to plan. Other times, you'd wish that it would go a certain way, and other times you're completely baffled by life. Well, here are my feelings, fantasies, and other thoughts on li...