Harbringers meeting

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Why out of all people do i have to be the assistant under the Harbringers. I couldn't have goten a worser job. The Harbringers are the pride of Tsaritsa and the whole Shneznaya. But everyone who works in the Fatui knows very well how cruel and cold hearted they are.
Right now I am standing in front of their meeting room, and finally i will know who i have been assigned to.
I walk into the room and see a few other fatui members but no sign of the Harbringers, i let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding in.
The room is pretty big, the celling tall, with not many ornaments around. A huge table is standing in the middle with 11 chairs around it. I go to stand in front of the wall oposite to the entrance. As i do the higher ups arrive and all of the fatui follow in my foots steps and form a line under the wall.

Dottore: "Well well well, look at this, what fine specimens we have here"

Dottore spoke while walking into the room.

???: "Don't think you can take all of them to your self"

Some other Harbringer chirped in.

Childe: "What are they even suposed to be doing again?"

Scaramouche: "They are new assistants, all chosen by the Tsaritsa her self, pheraps you should listen more closely on our meetings"

I didn't dare to look af them directly, i kept my head high and kept my gaze on the celling.
They all sat down and I noticed Signora hold some kind of files that she then gave to the rest to read.
Then she spoke

Signora: "Chose one for your selfs"

As all of the Harbringers chose their most suitable assistant, Childe was the only one who didn't even pay the papers any mind. As soon as everyone has chosen he got up from the chair and started to walk outside.

Signora: "And where do you think you are going Tartaglia?"

Singora asked with the most annoyed and cold voice i have heared in my life.

Signora: "You have not chosen your assistant yet have you?"

Childe: "Just give me whoever is left"

Signora: "The rest of you can leave there is nothing more to discuss for now, as for you Tartaglia..."

She waited as everyone has left together with the chosen underlings, only I and some other man remained.

Signora: "This girl here.."

She looked at me.

Signora: "She worked for over a year under the Tsaritsa herself, and since you have been messing your missions up then i belive she will be a perfect assistant for you."

Childe didn't looked even a litlle impressed even though he knew how harsh the Tsaritsa could be.

Childe: "That's what we are all doing it's nothing impressive and maybe you should keep an eye on how you do your own work"

He sounded harsh but not as much as Signora earlier.

Signora: "Well then i have matters to attend too, and you girl. You better do a good job as his assistant."

I quickly bowed down.

Y/N: "Yes miss Signora!"
I followed Childe to his carige in a complete silence, when we got there a man opend the door to the carige letting Childe in. I sat next to the cabman. We drove for around 2hours, the snow was terrible that night. When we got to the place i was showed the room i was going to stay at. I sat down on the bed and took the envelope that Lady Singora has given me before we left the palace. They were orders from the Tsaritsa, after reading them all carefully i went to sleep. There is going to be a lot of work tomorrow.

627 words

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