Important Meetings

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I walked into Childe's room, he was laying in bed while reading a book. Noticing i entered he put the book on the bedside table and sat up.

Childe: "So what did you wanted to talk about? It seemed pretty urgent"

After spending some time on the country side with Childe's family you were sure that some memories of his must have came back. That's why you wanted to talk to make sure you were up to full speed but lately there was no time or more like someone was avoiding every opportunity. So after coming back to the fatui base you came to Childe for a talk.

Y/N: "I think we both know what this is about..."

I didn't try to hide my annoyence, i have to give raports to the Tsaritsa, she has to be informed if Childe gets his memories back.

Childe: "Sorry i don't think i quite follow."

He knows exactly what i am talking about, pheraps upsetting me is something he enjoys.

Y/N: "Childe have you been avoiding talking with me?"

Childe: "No, why would i be?"

Y/N: "Okay... then you won't mind telling me the things you remembered."

I said while standing in front of him. I watched the smile drop from his face.

Childe: "Why would i tell you what i remembered?"

Y/N: "Because if i don't report to the Tsaritsa one of us will lose their head and surely it's not going to be you."

!WARNING: the content might be uncomfortable for some readers!

Childe: "So you are in dire need of knowing, yes?"

His voice got slightly rougher and he looked at me as if i was his pray. I completly forgot how scary this Harbringer can be.

Y/N: "You could say that... but where are you going with this?"

His gaze made me feel uncomfortable, it felt as if making any kind of move would have me dead.

Childe: "I'm just wondering what would you be able to do for that information."

Y/N: "Childe what are you talking about?"

Childe: "Well not that i would need that to make you listen to me..."

He got up from the bed and started heading my way. Standing in front of me, he leaned over and whispered into my ear.

Childe: "You are my assistant. You are suposed to help me with anything, right?..."

His arm slowly moving around my waist, as he started kissing my neck. The sudden rush of plesure making me moan, quickly i try to move away from Childe's grasp but he holds me even tighter.

Childe: "What's wrong? Can't handle it?"

Y/N: "W-we shouldn't! We aren't allowed! T-this isn't-!"

Childe: "Shhhhh..."

Y/N: "I-I should go now! Have a good evening!"

He didn't let me go, his grip on me was as thight as before.

Childe: "What about the report? Was it not important from the begging?"

Y/N: "I will make something up so don't worry about it and let me go!"

Childe: "Sorry but i'm afraid this isn't possible, after all there is no place for liars among my ranks..."

He took of my mask and thrown it to the side, as he was looking into my eyes slowly getting closer someone nocked on the door.

Childe: "Come on why now..."

Cursing under his breath while going to get the door and letting go of me in the proces. I snatched my mask from the floor and put it back on my face. Childe opened the door and talked with the agent about something related to the nearby camp. Turning back to me he spoke.

Childe: "We aren't done yet..."

He left together with the agent, leaving me startled and confused.
Putting my uniform on and preparing all the needed documents into a case. I leave my room and head to the entrance of the building. My mind has been constantly repeating the events from yesterday. I couldn't focus on anything else, it didn't help that we had a very important meeting today.

???: "You certainly seem to be lost in thought. I could have killed you, you know?"

I didn't need to turn around to know that it was Childe.

Y/N: "Sir the meeting will be held in the castle, we should depart as soon as possible."

Childe: "You didn't even turn around how cold can you be. And didn't  i told you to call me Childe? Why the sudden change?"

Y/N: "Sir calling you by your code name around the other Harbringers and the Tsaritsa would be unsuitable for someone of my status."

It was the truth, it was okay around his family but not here.

Childe: "I guess you are correct, they would condemn you if you spoke this way to me..."

We started to walk towards the carige. We both sat inside and i satarted to check all papers i took with me to kill some time.

Childe: "You still have to call me by my code name when we are alone just so you know."

Y/N: "Ofcourse Sir"
All of the Harbringers sat around the table, the assistants right by their sides. When the Queen has entered everyone stood up and bowed. The Tsaritsa has adressed a few important missions that have ended with success as well as the fall in the numbers of traitors and spies among the ranks. The whole meeting was going smoothly untill one question has been asked.

Scaramouche: "What about Tartaglias memory loss?"

Yes i have been sending reports to the Tsaritsa, i have wrote that Childe has been able to regain a portion of his memories but i couldn't write what kind of memories because of the certain events.

Tsaritsa: "I have been informed that you have been getting better isn't that right my child?"

Childe: "Yes my Queen, most of my memories have been restored."

Tsaritsa: "How about we ask your assistant?"

Why would they need to ask me?

Y/N: "Your Highness it is like Sir Childe have said. We have been working hard to bring back Sir Childe's memories."

Tsaritsa: "I was also wondering why your reports didn't specify what did Tartaglia remember exactly?"

Y/N: "I-i...-"

Childe: "I'm sorry your Highness this must have been my fault, there has been a lot of work lately, i didn't make sure to inform my assistant about such details."

Tsaritsa: "Is that so... Does anyone else have any questions?"

There was a long silence in the room.

Tsaritsa: "Then i herby that this meeting is over."

Everyone stands up waiting for the Queen to leave and as she does so do everyone else. I felt Childe lean behind me and whisper into my ear.

Childe: "When we get back i want to see you in my room."

It wasn't his normally playfull tone, it was more serious and scary. I wonder what's going to happen this time...

1147 words

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