Let's have a match

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After a few days i have already knew what missions been assigned to Childe and as ordered i proceded to assist in them.
I found myself outside Childe's room waiting for him i began writing down the schedule of his that i was suposed to remember. He was suposed to take care of acepting new cadets so i have prepared the breakfast and then the carige. When i came back i found him eating and ready for work. I bowed down and started to talk.

Y/N: "Sir the carige has been prepared and is ready for departure"

I waited for his dismisal but he kept silent, i looked up and saw him looking straight at me. I quickly averted my gaze and apologised.

Childe: "I don't see what did the Tsaritsa found so special in you"

I heared him murmur under his breath. I only straighten myself and procided to wait for him to finish breakfast.
He quickly finished and we made our way outside but this time when i tried to sit next to the cabman he stopped me.

Childe: "Sit inside the carige, we need to discuss something"
Childe: "As my assistant i expect you to take care of everything that i will miss on, although i doubt that you will even have a chance to do that"

He looked at me his eyes were cold but he had a slight smile on his face.

Y/N: "Ofcourse Sir"

I said not moved by his words, as much as i was afraid of the higher ups i knew after all this time that if i do things the way they want i will be just fine.

Childe: "Tsk..."

He didn't seem pleased by my reaction but there is nothing i could do about it.
We continued to discuss his missions and the orders of his that i should follow.
We finally got to the training grounds and from afar we could already see the recruts. Childe made his way towards them with me following close behind. They all formed a line and then Childe started the ceremony.

Childe: "From this day forward, you will honor the oaths you have made to her Majesty the Tsaritsa, and you will stop at nothing to bring Shneznaya victory."

This will take some time huh...
After Childe has ended his speach he turned to me.

Childe: "So since that is over with. Care to have a match with me miss assistant?"


Y/N: "S-sir are you? Sir are you sure?"

Childe: "I wouldn't have asked if i wasn't"

Y/N: "Sir i am sorry but-"

Childe: "Pheraps i have put this in wrong words. As my assistant you shall also be my training partner, so we will have a match. Right. Now."

I was speachles. Even if i did train and was pretty good at fighting i was still no match for a Harbringer. There was no way i was going to come out of this alive.
Childe picked up a sword and thruw it to me. I berly managed to catch it, there was no getting out of this. I could only pray that God let's me in.

Childe: "Well then ready?"

Y/N: "Sir i haven't foug-"

Childe: "Yeah, yeah just get ready already"

My hands are shaking i can bearly hold on to the sword. Childe started to charge at me so i went to block his attack and then doge, he slid and kicked my legs i stumbled over and fell down. I rolled on my back and regained my composture and run at him clashing my sword with his.

Childe: "So what were you saying? I haven't fought before?"

Y/N: "I haven't fought in a while Sir"

Childe: "It doesn't seem like that"

He pushed me back but this time i didn't fall over insted i crouched down and did the same thing he did to me. I tried to kick his legs and make him fall over but he was long gone from the spot.

Y/N: "What the-"

I felt something warm on my neck

Childe: "Boo!"

I rolled forward standing up in light speed, i didn't see him get behind me, and he did it so fast too.

Childe: "Haha! You should have seen your face!"

Y/N: "I thought you wanted a match Sir not a joke"

Childe: "Sure, sure. Now give the sword back."

I did as he told. And then i remembered about the planned meeting that we were suposed to go after dealing with the recruts.

Y/N: "Sir you have diner with a special guest next we should depart soon"

Childe: "You are almost no fun at all you know"

Y/N: "You seemed pretty amused just a second ago Sir"

He didn't answer, well maybe that's for the better. I need to bite my tounge sometimes.

813 words

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