The Sweet Moments

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The 2weeks went by rather fast, the two of us having great time even with so little to do on the boat. I was really excited after all it is the first time i am in Liyue. Due to my situation in the fatui i was not allowed to travel or go for missions abroad so i have never been anywhere other then Snezhnaya.

The port was massive and beautiful, there was hundreds of boats everywhere. We have arrived at night so not many people were around, the lights and the moonlight making the view look as if it was painted. As i wanted to go forward and explore the city deeper a hand had stoped me from doing so.

Childe: "As much as excited you are we didn't come here as tourists so we can't have a tour."

Y/N: "Oh..."

My excitement disapeared from my face, I have forgotten for a second that we were on a mission. Childe as if understanding how i feel added.

Childe: "At least not yet."

My smile quickly coming back on my face, i still didn't know we were here.

Childe: "Here, give me your bag i will carry it."

Y/N: "You don't have to i will be okay."

Childe: "It's fine really, it must be heavy for you."

Y/N: "Thank you."

I said as i handed my bag to Childe.

Childe: "Okay let's go. I have reservation at the hotel so we won't have to worry about anyone."

Y/N: "Will you tell me why we are here when we get there?"

Childe: "Ofcourse, my lady."

He said winking at me as he walked towards the hotel.

Childe: "So how do you like Liyue so far?"

Y/N: "It is much different then our home town, it's a lot more warm and scenery is breath taking."

Childe: "Liyue is the most prosperous and richest nation, it is known for being the largest marketing harbor."

Y/N: "You certainly can see that, this place is beautiful."

Childe: "...almost like you..."

I heared Childe whisper something to himself.

Y/N: "Did you say something?"

Childe: "I said that I really like the view."
Childe took the key from the register and I followed him to the room.

Y/N: "Uuum Childe why is there only one bed?"

Childe: "Because i have to keep an eye on you incase any incident happens and this room was cheaper so i took it."

We all know the "cheaper" part is a lie.

Y/N: "Any incident? What do you mean?"

Childe: "Don't worry i will tell you later. we should sleep now it's late and we need a lot of energy for tomorrow."

Y/N: "Ofcourse..."

What is he hiding?
As i woke up i felt the aroma of freshly cooked pancakes, getting up and going to the kitchen i saw a familiar red head wearing an apron as he did something on the stove. I rubbed my eyes not sure of the sight before me. Childe cooking? That's certainly something new.

Y/N: "Am i still sleeping?"

Childe: "Oh! You are finally awake. Good morning!"

He seemed to be in a really good mood.

Childe: "Sit down, I made breakfast."

To think a Harbringer that i used to fear would now be making breakfast for me. I could get used to this actually. I sat down and started eating the food.

Y/N: "This is delicious!"

The pancakes were soft, melting in my mouth, strawberry topping adding the needed sweetness.

Childe: "I'm happy you are enjoying it."

Childe sat beside me, I noticed he wasn't eating but staring at me.

Y/N: "Your food is gonna get cold."

Childe: "Oh yeah right."

Y/N: "So what are we going to do today?"

Childe: "I'm gonna be looking for something."

Y/N: "What exactly if i could know? Wait what do you mean 'I' ?"

Childe: "An ancient relict from the time of the Archon war and yes I because you are staying here."

Y/N: "What? Thank why did you take me with you?"

Childe had a wide smile on his face.

Childe: "For company."

691 words

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