The end of a love story

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My hands curled into fists, my nails drawing blood from my palms, I was hopelessly braving for the impact and the pain it would cause. My teeth clenched and grit against each other to the point of my jaw hurting and I kept standing, less prepared with every passing second.

But it never came.

It felt as if the time had stopped, with my eyes still closed I tried to move forward.

My body didn't hurt anymore, I felt myself become faster for some reason as if something has taken control over me. It was quiet, all my thoughts had stopped along with the outside noise, I kept on walking, something was pushing me forward, the force didn't feel threatening, instead my body relaxed, the air around me became more comforting, welcoming me.

And then I opened my eyes.

It was pitch black.
A moment of panic washed over me.
"Am I dead?"
Nobody answered.
"Is anyone here?!"

What is going on?!

My hands moved to cover my face, trying so hard to let me escape the inevitable truth. Was I really dead? My legs failing, I fell down on my knees, the panic sinking in deeper then before, making my eyes water at all the racing thoughts.

There was so many things I wanted to do, things I wanted to feel, I wasn't content with death yet! I wanted to get away from the Fatui, maybe finally I could live a normal life! Did Verr Goldet help me so I could die at someone else's hands?!
Wasn't Childe looking for me...?

No, he lied to me, took me here knowing it's a bad idea. I wasn't gonna depend on him, I never needed to so neither will I now. I am strong enough to take care of myself... I will be fine.

So it's okay, it's fine, there must be an explanation to this weird place, I just need to calm down right?
My tears fell down to the ground one by one, creating new salty paths along my face.



Slowly I moved my hands away from my face, still facing down I saw... me? It was my own reflection, I was kneeling on...water... What...?

Confusion replaced a part of my fear, but enough to let more straight and coherent thoughts enter my mind.

I whipped away the tears, focusing my vision on what is surrounding me, but... there was nothing except the water. The sky, it wasn't fully clear, with specs of clouds being placed here and there and although they were above me, the light from the sun never wavered.

Sun? I looked around again. There was no sun.

I slowly got up, my legs still slightly wobbly, my mind calming down, forgetting the unpleasant moment from before being replaced by a familiar feeling. No danger would be found here, it felt peaceful, as if I could spend all my life here and still feel sad about leaving. At the same time I had a sensation that I could leave at any given time.

Picking a random direction I began walking, making my way forward into the never ending scenery. It was truly beautiful, warm and welcoming, the view made me think of the contrasting sight I had seen in the mountains.

I didn't know if I was gonna find anything, this place was empty after all. A sudden sleepiness washed over me. I laid down on the water, realizing only now that my clothes were already soaked.


Silent voices resonated around me, but there was nothing around me that would make such noise.


Looking at the sky I noticed it had become clearer. My eyelids turned heavier with time and I felt myself drifting of to sleep.

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