Ice Fishing

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Someone was shaking me while i was asleep.

Y/N: "Just five more minutes..."

???: "I have already given you five more minutes, if you don't wake up you will miss breakfast!"

I grabed the hand shaking me and pulled it to me while rolling on the side.

???: "Woah!"

I felt something fall beside me on the bed, it was warm and comfortable so i didn't mind.

Y/N: "Just let me sleep a bit longer...."

I felt the hand i was still holding find it's way onto my waist.

???: "Y/N, it's time to wake up..."

The voice wasn't as cheery as before, it was more raspy and deeper. I felt the hand embrace me around my waist.

???: "Y/N..."

As i slowly started to open my eyes i was suddenly draged back into someone. I turned around and saw Childe smiling at me.

Y/N: "What are you doing!"

This is inappropirate, he shouldn't be doing things like this. I'm only his assistant. Does he find it funny treating me like this?

Childe: "I was just trying to wake you up, you were the one who dragged me into your bed."

His voice was husky it sent shivers down my spine. My face felt hot and i knew i must look like a tomato. He chuckled lightly.

Childe: "You are amusing you know that? Get up breakfast is ready."

Y/N: "S-Sure..."

As Childe leaves I change my clothes and head to the kitchen. I see everyone doing something while Childe and Teucer are sitting at the table talking. Teucer notices me and calls out to me.

Teucer: "Y/N! Come sit here!"

He eagerly shows the spot next to him. I sit down and that's when Tonia and Anthon join allong with Childe's parents. I felt out of place, should i be here with him? I know i am only here because of Childe's memory loss but it didn't change the fact that i felt very awkward.
After everyone was done with breakfast, Tonia decided that we should go ice fishing as this was one of Childe's favourite activities. Everyone agreed so we started to prepare.
As we arrived at the frozen lake the firsts ones to get on the ice where Teucer, Childe and Anthon.

"Kids do not run on the ice!"

Yelled Childe's mother, but the boys were too excited to listen what the older woman had to say.
The rest of us made our way to the ice, the boys already drilling a hole in it.

Tonia: "We should have a battle like always! Of course only if Y/N and Childe will want to participate."

Anthon: "What do you say guys?"

Childe: "Y/N, what do you say?"

Y/N: "I mean sure but-"

Teucer: "Yaaaay!!"

Tonia: "So let's do it girls versus boys."

Y/N: "But i never... iced fished before...."

Nobody heared me....
Childe drilled a few holes together with Anthon. As Tonia took out the fishing rods i decided to talk to her.

Y/N: "Just so you know i am not very good at fishing..."

Tonia: "It's okay i will show you the basics after all you can't be that bad."
Oh how wrong she was. I was terrible at this. I haven't catched even one fish, Childe must have noticed me struggle he said something to Teucer and Anthon and came my way.

Childe: "Do you need help? You seem to not be doing so well."

Y/N: "It's okay don't worry about me. I just hope Tonia isn't disapointed..."

Childe: "Here look, you are holding it wrong."

Childe put his hands on mine and put them the correct way on the fishing rod. Step by step he told me how to catch a fish and when one finally cought the bait i managed to catch it.

Y/N: "Childe did you see! I got it!"

I heared him clap his hands. As i turned around to face him i sliped on the wet ice and i started to fall backwards into the cold water. I closed my eyes prepared for the impact but it never came. Insted i was jerked back and landed in someone elses warm embrace. Childe has cought my hand in the last second, pulling me into his embrace.

Childe: "I wonder wich one of us should be more carefull..."

He whispered in my ear causing my cheeks to turn bright red, luckily it was cold so he didn't see it.

Tonia: "Are you two okay?"

Childe: "Yeah we are fine don't worry."

Teucer: "Brother is so cool he catched you in the last moment!"

I didn't even notice when Teucer came up to us. Realizing i was still being held by Childe i quickly move away.

Y/N: "Thank you..."

Tonia: "It's good that my brother has great reflexes or you would have been swiming in the water by now."

"Children it's time to head back now!"
The father called to them as he helped Anthon and his wife collect the equipmen. Me, Childe and Tonia gathered the catched fish and packed then properly.
After coming back to the house Teucer and Anthon have dragged Childe to their room. Tonia was scraping the fish together with her mother so i decided to help them.

"Y/N you are a good person so forgive me for asking but... Why are you with the fatui?"
The mother asked. She seemed genuinely concerned and confused.

"Surely there must be a reason..."

Naturally there was one, but it wasn't my choice. My parents have betrayed the Tsaritsa when i was young, they were sentenced to death. I on the other hand was taken in to the fatui ranks. I was raised by the people there and they have showed me a way to live, even if i would want to leave i'm not able because of my parents.

Y/N: "I'm sorry but i am not allowed to talk about this or anything else that involves the fatui."

"I understand...I hope that you can take care of Childe. He is cable on his own i know, but sometimes even he needs a hand."

Y/N: "You need not to worry Miss it is my duty to help him with anything he needs. But tell me because I still don't understand, why you are willing to put so much trust in me."

Tonia: "Because Childe does and his instinc was never wrong"

Y/N: "Childe only trust me because i am his assistant and because i helped him after he lost his memories."

Now that i thought about it we haven't talked about his memories since we arrived here. I will have a chat with him later.

Tonia: "Have you seen how he looks at you? Ever since he met you his eyes glow brighter. Don't tell me you haven't noticed it."

Y/N: "Pheraps he is like this because of his memories but i can asure you it has nothing to do with me."

1169 words

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