Good Days Come To An End

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2d person pov:

You woke up in a dark room, the last thing you remembered was falling asleep with Childe in the Hotel. Your mind was fuzzy and you didn't know what happened, the senses coming back and overwhelming you. The memories started to become more clearer as your head started to hurt even more then before. Trying to move your hands to your forehead, realizing that they are tied together to the chair along with your legs. Looking around you see nothing in the rest of the room and that's when you remember what has happened the night before, but someone interrupts your train of thoughts. The room suddenly became bright and you closed your eyes from the pain.

???: "Looks like you finally waked up..."

You slowly tried to adjust your vision to the brightness, looking up, trying to figure out who was talking to you.

???: "How annoying, why do i have to deal with you."

When the smudged silhouette before you started to finally makes sense you immediately froze, you felt your body become weaker as if the time just stopped and even if did it surely didn't stop your heartbeat from becoming more rapid. As your pulse grew you only felt yourself getting colder by the second.

The one standing before you.

???: "What's wrong you got pale all of a sudden.

Was no other.

???: "Getting afraid i see."

Then Scaramouche.

You had a very bad feeling about this.


Childe pov:

I slowly waked up, not feeling the object of warmth from earlier i reached around the bed trying to find it. Before i could even think about anything else my eyes shot open remembering who was emitting the warmth i was longing for. Not wanting to make the same mistake twice i called out their name.

Childe: "Y/N?"

I got up from the bed heading to the next room.

Childe: "Y-Y/N?"

Nobody answered. Nervous i started to check all of the rooms.

Childe: "Y/N!"

There was only pure silence after each one of my calls.

I went back to the bedroom looking for some clues, i found a letter laying on their side of the bed. I went to open it until i saw the mark that was on it. If anything happens to her, they were going to pay...


2d person pov:

You were slapped hard on your cheek, you didn't understand why you were there. You have never messed up any important orders nor did you have done anything that could be a danger to the Tsaritsa.

Scaramouche: "Now you will tell me where did your stupid Master hid the artifact."

Y/N: "I already told you that i have no idea what are you talking about."

You got slapped again, you bit your tongue to not let the pain get to you.

Scaramouche: "Then perhaps you will tell me what did the two of you plan to do after you hid the artifact?"

Y/N: "As i said before i have never heard of any plan nor have i seen the artifact."

Scaramouche: "Oh really? Maybe next time you will tell me that you had no idea this mission was meant only for Tartaglia?"

Wait what? Was i not supposed to be there from the start?

Y/N: "Sir Childe has asked me to go with him and i only followed his orders."

Scaramouche: "Haha! Oh please don't make me laugh! But actually yeah... that idiot would definitely do that."

He thought for a second chuckling to himself before speaking again.

Scaramouche: "Well my work here is done then... Guards!"

A pair of fatui walked into the room.

Scaramouche: "Take her to the cell and prepare the place, we will be having a guest really soon..."

They put a blindfold on my eyes and took me somewhere out of the building. I already knew this wasn't going to end well unless Childe finds me.

645 words

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