Long time no see

776 19 4

------  Autors note:
Yes i know it has been long since i updated it but i kinda would like to continue this story and write at least some decent ending. This chapter will be writen quite differently but i hope you guys will enjoy it, so for anyone that is still reading this i thank you. Have fun reading the rest as well!

Heavy breaths could be heard through out the slightly snow covered forest, as the leafs and the white cloud crunched beneath each of the steps a loud metal grind echoed all around, scaring the nearby animals, making them run out of their hiding spots out in the open. A clash of weapons which was followed by a rumble and then only silence was heard. The giant metal monster laid in ruin next to it's brothers in the middle stood a man, lance in his sturdy hand as his dark eyes pierced anyone that stood in his way. There was no difference to it's origin whether a monster or human his weapon didn't care, it slashed everything that found itself under it's blade. The man was determined, he surely was going to get exactly what he wanted, and it so happened that that precious thing was very near.


I walked through multitude of corridors following one of many underlings, trying not to lose him in this gigantic maze. My brain screamed to escape, to not follow him, but there wasn't much more that i could do. I was surely gonna quit... if i survive that is, even if i have nowhere else to go maybe... just maybe i could live my life for me? As doubts about her Majesty and her plan came to mind i felt courage raise in my heart. We turned yet another corner, suddenly i felt much colder then before, it felt as if we were back to Snezhnaya, but how? We were still in Liyue after all, weren't we? We walked into the room and the strong smell of bleach reaching my nose causing coughs to spill out, the man before me unwavering by the strong burning smell hitting our lungs. The room was full of weird equipment... syringes and medical supplies occupied the space on the silver platters next to them laid some what familiar tools. The soldier look at me and told me to sit down on one of the beds, i didn't even notice when he had managed to lock the door as i sat down i wondered where my courage has gone to, suddenly i became very compliant. Another fatu came into the room, this time it was a woman and the man in front of me spoke.

"Our Master will be here shortly, she will prepare you for his arrival".

That was the moment, how could i have forgotten, as images flashed before my eyes and fear filled them to the brim. I remembered those tools very well, a little too well...


Legs carried him further through the corridors, lungs catching his breath without much trouble. Anger bubbled in the mind and filled actions, swallowing the concern and worry he pushed forward. He knew better then to defy Her Highness, but was he going to abandon them? Was this the best course of action? surely no, it couldn't be, it was stupid of him to even think of it but what else could be done? He simply wanted that person by his side, like they were up to this point and no one was going to stop that from happening. Reaching the end of the hallway Childe slammed the door open, people in the room didn't look even slightly suprised from the sudden apperance, they were expecting him after all. He didn't waste a second and went to roughly grab a servant by their collar and asked.

"Where is your boss?"

It didn't sound like a question, it was more of a demand. The servant however had no time to answer the enraged man as someone has spoke before he could.

"I heard you were looking for me, Childe."

Dottore in all his glory stood in the doorway, a smirk covering the visible part of his face. The younger Harbringer let go of the servant and made his way towards the so called Doctor.

"Where are they?"

His voice runned deep reaching the very core and stricking fear into those around him, except Dottore. He wasn't scared, measly suprised at best and maybe a bit excited, he had seen the young one in battle but never this mad. It was completly different to his usual demeanor, is this what they could to him?
If that's the case what else could Childe do? What could he make him do...


My eyes hurt from the blinding light, I was freezing, as I sat on the snow covered ground I tried to recall what  just occured. I didn't know how but I found myself outside the greatly hidden fortress, the last thing I remembered was a woman who injected me with something through a siringe after that my mind went blank. As I tried to get up I realized I must have lost a lot of blood and although my clothes were covered with it, it didn't seem to belong to me. I wondered why wasn't I scared, was i really used to this? At this moment all I wanted is to go back home, finally managing to get up i brought my arms up hugging myself to keep the last bit of warmth I felt. I looked around trying to figure out which way i should go and what I should do next, the cold wind bit my skin making me shiver, I started walking towards the forest. The snow slowed me down, the depth of it making me doubt every single step I took...


Whiping the blood that has begun to dry on his lips, he slowly got back up picking the swords that his already white knuckles had clugn so desperatly too. His vision glowing a bright blue light, his control over it despite his condition was highly impressive.

"Hmm is this all? I expected something more from you."

Spoke Dottore, his expresion showed disapointment. A smirk turning into a small smile

"Oh don't you worry, this was only a warm up."

Childe took both his blades and conected them together creating a spear, some electricity could be seen flowing around it. He has not used foul legacy in a while, he still has not healed enough after his last mission. However it didn't stop him from continuously using the delusion. Dottore had his creations do all the fighting for him but they were no match for the young man, it wasn't the first time he and the Doctor had gotten into a fight although it wasn't very common. The older looked annoyed, he might have thought this little argument has dragged out for way longer then he accounted for. As he watched the Harbringer fight, one of his servants had come up to him as he kneeled they spoke about something very briefly. Visible anger showing on his face, he turned back to the fighting man who had already smashed 4 of his machines.

"Let's end this here, some things need to be taken care of..."

Childe could hear how displeased Dottore was just from his voice. All the robots stopping making the room pleasently quiet.

"Then you will let Y/N out, she is working under me after all."

He wasn't going to ask, "no" wasn't an answer that he would accept. The room grew irry, a quiet laugh was heard from the doctor, his voice quickly became darker.

"Oh Childe..."

"Y/N isn't here"

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