A New Beginning

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My dagger slashed through the small hydro slime, leaving condensate to splash everywhere, I tried to avoid it getting on my clothes and continued collecting the mint. The smell was refreshing and made it easier to breath, the small expedition was peaceful with only occasional monsters or animals disturbing the tranquility.

I was collecting some fresh ingredients for the kitchen and my soon to be adventure, after all I wasn't going to stay at the Inn forever, the plan was to depart as soon as possible, but first I needed equipment. So here I was in the middle of the field between the high mountains, even from between them I could make out the high peak of Dragonspine.

Recently I have found myself interested in the cartography, the structures of the lands and why they came to be this way, with this I have also learned about a few new places, I never really had the need to learn about them before.

I looked at the ruins laying all around me, to think there used to be something massive here sent slight chills down my spine, the ember crystals shined their orange light on the rocks beside them. Although it was day it didn't take from the beauty of the place, soon enough I was done collecting mint and decided to take a break. I found a log I could sit on, some ashes still laying on the ground, someone must have made a campfire here recently.

Perhaps I could get some boar meat on the way as well, I did see some of them hanging around the plains. I looked at the dagger in my hand and put it in my bag... actually...I think I will pass. Getting back on my feet I found myself back on the dirt path and made my way back towards the place, that I had grown so attached to.

The mountains growing distant behind my back I finally entered the clearing, the water shining underneath me it had flooded a part of the path. My boots became damp, but it didn't bother me it was just a bit uncomfortable.

The water wasn't cold, it had the perfect temperature for swimming, I looked around if there was anyone nearby. However I shook my head and continued forward, I can't lower my guard now.

How did this happen.
I have no idea.
I remember meeting Yanxiao in the Inn, I was handing him ingredients. There was some guests at the Inn, adventurers that were passing by on their way from Liyue, they were making their way to Mondstat. They told us about some kind of festival, it was called "Windblume Festival", Lady Verr overheard the conversation, she seemed to know the travelers pretty well. Someone in the Inn mentioned that the path they wanted to take had been infested with monsters recently, apparently no one was able to clear it out just yet.

Yanxiao and Verr Goldet looked at each other, both nodding, silently agreeing about something.

I have been pushed into the conversation, becoming the main point of discussion and then. I remember my bag being handed to me, Lady Verr her husband and Yanxiao waving to me from afar together with some other workers.

Everything cuts after that and...
Somehow, I have found myself here.
On the path to Mondstat.
Far away from the safe Inn that worked as my shelter until now.

The adventurers where really nice, I got to know them better through out the time we had spent together. They all were good friends even tho they were really different from each other. A musician, chef, writer and an exorcist, that's quite an interesting mix if you ask me.
I didn't talk much, mostly listened to their conversations, but Xianglin, the food loving girl, would ask me about the Snezhnayan recipes from time to time. She didn't seem to do it out of pity, she was genuinely interested, the others listened carefully to what I was saying as well. It felt... nice.

From afar I could see the monster camp, it is surprising that no one has taken care of it yet, as it was placed right at the border separating Mondstat from Liyue.

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