Secret Mission

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The days were going by, with us going on missions, me taking care of the small things and Childe constantly looking for an opportunity to fight something. Childe has became more clingy as well as curious with me for some reason. Asking me about my past and my hobbys, spending all most of his free time by my side. It felt nice having him near me, I enjoyed the company a lot. Today Childe was summoned by Signora, so right now i am standing in front of the door to the meeting room. For some reason i was not allowed to enter.
Childe pov:

Childe: "So what kind of mission you have for me this time?"

Signora: "Don't get to excited, this is an important job so listen closely because i will not repeat myself."

Signora proceded to explain the whole plan. I was suposed to retrive an ancient relict from Liyue. I could take Y/N to the famous restaurant while we are there, the food there is delicious they would love it.

Signora: "This mission is important Tartaglia you better not mess that up and remember you must go alone."

Childe: "I will not mess it up don't worry- Wait alone?"

Will Y/N not be coming with me?

Signora: "Yes alone, or pheraps did you hope that your assistant would be coming with you?"

Yes that was exactly what i was hoping for.

Childe: "I expected that someone would be sent with me it doesn't have to be my assistant."


Signora: "I've heared how she has grown on you, but you should be carefull Tartaglia. Things we love can be easily taken away from us."

Childe: "There is nothing between us."


Signora: "Oh? Really? Are you sure of that?"

Childe: "She is just my assistant and nothing more."

Y/N pov:

When Childe left the room he seemed upset. He didn't say a word just showed me to follow him. As we got to a more secluded area he stoped, looked around and then turned to me.

Childe: "We have to go to Liyue, you can't tell anyone about it. When we get back to the palace I need you to pack your stuff and wait for me to come and get you. You understand?"

Y/N: "Yes but-"

Childe: "I will tell you more when we get there."
I packed my bags and waited for Childe, to kill the time i started working on some unfinished papers i had. I've managed to end a larger bit of them when i heared a knock on my window. Wait my window? I looked through the clean glass and saw a snow covered ginger head smiling at me. What was he doing?

Y/N: "Childe what are you doing outside?"

Childe: "I said i would come and get you didn't I? Now give me your bags first."

Y/N: "Why don't you come through the door?"

Childe: "No one can know about this. Now come on, you won't make me stand here all day will you?"

He seemed to be in a much better mood now. I reached for my stuff and gave them to Childe, who latter put them on the ground.

Childe: "Okay, now i will help you out so give me your hand first."

I put my hand in his, and then i swinged both of my legs to the other side of the window. Childe helped me get down, the fall wasn't tall but i would rather not land face first in the snow.

Y/N: "So where are we going now?"

Childe: "To the port ofcourse."

So we walked all the way to the port, luckily the snow wasn't that bad today so it saved us a lot of time. Childe seemed really eager to already get on the boat. I on the other hand was out of energy, the fact that i would spend 2weeks on boat with Childe didn't help. As soon as we got to the small room we would be sharing i layed down and went to sleep.
While having a small deja vu, I was waked up in the middle of the night by some noise.
I got up from the bed and noticed Childe talking and turning in his sleep. I gently shook him by the shoulder in hope of waking him up and when he did, he grabed my hand harshly. At first frightened but soon he realized it was just me, he let go of my hand and apologized.

Y/N: "Did you have a bad dream?"

Childe: "Yeah..."

Y/N: "Do you want to talk about it?"

He looked at me as if he wanted to say something after a moment he shaked his head a no.

Childe: "I will be okay, don't worry about it."

The usuall smile finding it's way onto his face. Although Childe was smiling his eyes told a different story. They looked empty, as if washed away from all the emotion. Something in my mind pushed me to comfort him and so i did. I hugged him, his head resting on my chest.

Childe: "Y/N?...."

At first he seemed confused but soon enough he returned the embrace.

Y/N: "You don't have to tell me what's wrong but at least don't hide that something is."

Childe's embrace around me tightened with no sign of letting go. Only soft hicups and sniffles could be heared in the room. Whatever he was dreaming about must have been really heavy on his heart. As the room grew quiet Childe slowly let go of me, his eyes were slightly red and puffy, seeing him like this broke my heart a little. I didn't understand what had to happen to make him feel like this.

Childe: "You shouldn't see me like this..."

Y/N: "Childe if you need someone to listen, then i'm here for you..."

I wasn't sure what to say, i might have comforted some of my colleagues before but this is a different situation.

Childe: "Y/N... stay with me like this for just a bit longer..."

He had a small smile on his face. I decided not to say anything and let him embrace me a while longer.

Childe: "You know you are really comfy..."

Y/N: "Okay that's it get off."

Childe: "Hmmmm but why would i give up on such a good pillow..."

I took the pillow of his bed and started to hit him with it.

Childe: "Okay! Okay! Stop it already!"

I thrown the pillow at him and he managed to catch it.

Y/N: "If you are feeling better now then go to sleep and don't bother me."

Childe: "Ouch so cold."

He was smiling the whole time. As i was getting under the blankets he grabed my hand.

1137 words

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