Let's continue!

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Childe pov:

As i read the last words written on the letter worry washed over me again but most importantly i felt anger. I begin regretting ever bringing Y/N with me. I crumpled the paper in my hand as i stared out of the window, i knew what i had to do. There was no place for worry or anxiety, i had to move quickly.

I changed my clothes, prepared my bag and made my way to the only place that they could have taken them to. They would be sure to pay.

Y/N pov:

As i sat in the cell i thought about what has happened so far. It all felt surreal, i wish i could just go back home at this point. Was Childe even going to come for me? I wasn't sure, i couldn't be. Why did he bring me here? What artifact were they looking for? What am i supposed to do now?
As questions popped in my head i was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of the cell door opening.

I looked at the man in front of me.

Fatui: "Get up and come with me."

I did as i was told trying not to dig my grave any deeper then it already was.

I followed the man without another word into a classy but messy room, full of vials, jars, and as you suspect chemicals or other liquids. There is a lot of chemical equipment but what caught my eye is the table in the middle of the room full of dishes and flowers standing on the center. Sitting next to the table was someone i did not expect to see.

Dottore: "You are dismissed"

His cheeky smile never leaving his face, the fatui escorting me exits the room leaving me alone with the Harbringer...

Dottore: "Well then sit down, don't keep me waiting any longer."

As he spoke he motioned towards the seat with his left hand. The chair was standing next to him, my body was tensed up like never before. I made my way slowly to the chair, he moved it back for me. As i sat down he looked at me and started speaking again.

Dottore: "Enjoy your meal."

I looked at the man next to me and then at the food on the table. My face must have have looked rather confused as the Harbringers smile grew bigger.

Dottore: "Go ahead it doesn't bite"

I started to eat, the food tasted great but it got stuck in my throat, unable to swallow it, the stress preventing me from doing so. I put the silverware back on the plate, and with all my courage i had in me i began to speak.

Y/N: "W-why... did you call me here... sir?"

The Doctor put down the glass of wine he held as he looked at me, cold eyes piercing trough my whole body. Suddenly a smile found a way to his face, shifting from his spot to stand tall above me he spoke.

Dottore: "Why wouldn't i? I am quite curious as to why would someone as low as you would be under a Harbringers protection?"

As he put his hand on my chin, making me face him directly. I felt nails digging into my skin and a shiver going down my spine.

Dottore: "I wonder... in what way are you so special?"

I froze.

Dottore: "Should i pheraps check myse-"

A sudden knock echode through out the room. The towering over me a moment ago man has now sat back down letting me go in the proces.

Dottore: "What is it now..."

As the door opened a man entered and spoke.

Fatui: "Sir... we have a new guest..."

A devilish smile appeared on the Doctors face.

Dottore: "Finally, it will get really interesting."

My gut feeling told me otherwise.

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