Dealing with a Traitor

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While we were on our way i decided to ask some question, i just need to be carefull not to ask too many.

Y/N: "Sir if i may ask, why are we going on foot?"

Childe: "The meeting place is not too far from the training camp and we don't want to bring more attention to us then needed."

Y/N: "Of course Sir that's understandable, but if that's the case then if i may ask. Who is the special guest?"

Childe: "You will find out when we get there. Do i have to explain everything to you?"

Y/N: "No, of course not Sir"

And there it is, i managed to annoy him after just two questions. Great job me.
I didn't ask or say anything else for the rest of the way and neither did he.

Childe: "We are here. Take off your mask."

Y/N: "Yes Sir"

I guess that was something the guest asked, i still don't get why though.
We entered the building that looked like a fancy restaurant and got greeted by a man wearing a simple black suit. We followed him into a side room of the restaurant. I saw a man in dark blue fancy suit sitting near one of the tables.

Childe: "Offelfi Nicorm I hope you have not waited too long"

Offelfi: "Ah no, not at all. You have arrived on the perfect time. But may i ask. Who is that beauty behind you?"

The man looked at me, pheraps i shouldn't have taken off my mask. But i can't disrespect him he is one of the important politicians. I smiled kindly and averted my gaze bringin my hand up to cover my mouth.

Y/N: "Thank you..."

It wasn't sincere but i made it look as if it was.

Childe: "She is my assistant but that shouldn't concern you too much"

Offelfi: "Well if you ever decide to get rid of her like your previous one, then bring her to me i shall take good care-"

Childe: "This matter should not concern you. Offelfi."

I thought Childe was one of the Harbringers that kept their cool but he seemed geniually angry at Offelfi's remark.
Not that i could blame him, Offelfi is known for abducting women and using them for his own fun. Sadly no one ever got the evidance needed to get rid of him.

Childe: "Offelfi you have been charged with treason for plotting against the Tsaritsa. You have been sentenced to death and i will be the one to carry out that order."

I guess untill now. That was a suprise.

Offelfi: "Guards!"

A lot of people have stormed into the room. Why did he make me come here? With me here it will only be harder to fight for him.

Childe: "Here i took one of the swords for you from the training grounds, if needed use your delusion. I will not save you so you better fight like you mean it"

So that's why he wanted a match.
I turned around and faced the guards in front of me, i waited a second for their move. When they attacked i blocked them and went for the neck of the closest person to me. I closed my eyes to not let the blood fall into them. To my suprise no one came after me they all started run from the room. I heared crushing above us and the ground started to tremble under our feet. I looked up and saw the celling falling. I looked towards Childe but it seemed as if he didn't noticed what was happening.

Y/N: "SIR!"

I screamed but it all happend so fast, my voice was lost among the chaos.
Before i could do anything more my vision went black and everything was silent. I wondered was this really the way i go down? All my dreams will i never be able to make them come true?
I felt cold and weak. Then i felt a terrible pain all over my body, my eyes shot open and i screamed. I adjusted my vision to the light, I saw a lot of blood around me but it wasn't my blood. My leg was trapped under a big chunk of the celling, with all my might i tried to push it of. I whined in pain as i started to feel my leg. My bone was sticking out of it, i could feel a few more bones broken in my body but then it hit me. What happend to Childe?

Y/N: "S-sir.."

My mouth was dry and i couldn't speak very well.

Y/N: "Ch..Childe..."

I tried getting up but it was really painfull.
What if he already left? What if he left me to die? I am just a servant after all. There would be nothing weird about it but something told me otherwise.
I started to look around in the place i last saw him standing. I began to pick the rubble and throw it to the side. The moment i saw his hand under the rubble i realized how terrified i am. If something happens to him i am as good as dead.
As soon as i got him out of the rubble i checked his pulls. He was still alive.
He didn't seem gravely injured and even if he was, because of the state i was in, i wouldn't have been able to help him.

Y/N: "Childe..."

My throat didn't hurt as much as before.

Y/N: "Sir Childe! Wake up!"

I started to shake him by his arm.
After a second i heared him grumble and he slowly opened up his eyes.

952 words

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