Secrets have a price

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After a talk with Childe's parents, Tonia showed us to the rooms we will be staying at. After the long day we went to sleep.
A loud noise from the room next to my room woke me up. Did something happen to Childe?
I cautiously made my way to his door and slowly opened it. I saw him standing above the desk without a shirt. I could see his back, it was bruised some places covered in deep purple.

Y/N: "Childe?"

He looked over his shoulder and then turned around. His chest was covered in scars he seemed to be in pain.

Y/N: "Childe what happened to you!"

I said loud enough for only him to hear, i closed the door and made my way to him.

Childe: "Shouldn't you be sleeping? Why are you awake?"

He looked afraid, like a lost cat who just found his owner after running away from home. Childe picked up his shirt and started to put it on, to stop him from doing that i grabed both his hand in mine and studied the scars on his body.

Y/N: "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

I said in a strict tone, he turned his head to the side in embarrassment.

Childe: "I didn't want to worry you..."

Y/N: "Worry me? I'm your assistant. I'm supposed to help you."

He was in a bad state, some of his wounds have opened up and started to bleed again.

Y/N: "Sit on the bed and wait for me."

Suprisingly he did as he was told.
I went back to my room, i had taken some medical equipment from home with me, so i took it and went back to Childe's room. When i walked in, his face lit up a little.
I have treated many people before so this shouldn't be any problem for me.

Y/N: "Show me where it hurts you the most."

He pointed at a left side of his stomach. I carefully examined him and pushed my hand gently on the wound.

Childe: "Ouch! Do you have to be so rough with me?"

He had a sly smirk on his face so i pushed my hand around the wound.

Childe: "Ouch! Ouch! ouch! Fine fine stop it i get it!"

Y/N: "Good, your bones don't seem to be broken wich is good."

He sighed in relief. How long has he been keeping this from everyone?

Y/N: "Why did you not go to the doctor?"

Childe: "I didn't think it was serious..."

Really this man...

Y/N: "Well it looks like you do need stiching so don't move and let me..."

I said as i took out the needel and a string.

Childe: "Nope! You are not putting that thing in me! I'm not letting you!"

He said as he jumped of the bed.

Y/N: "Do you want to bleed out to death then?"

This time i was cold. He is a Harbringer, he has to act like one.

Childe: "Fine... but i will do it myself."

Y/N: "Do you even remember how to?"

Childe: "No... i was hoping for you too remind me... Come on don't be so cold to me."

He was teasing me now. What is he trying to do.

Y/N: "Okay listen closely because i will not repeat myself."

He sat back on the bed eager to learn.

Y/N: "Here take this needel an tie this string on it."

I watched him slightly struggle at first but he quickly got it over with. I on the other hand started to put a numbing medicine around the wound. Childe noticed it but didn't do anything to not make it harder for me.
Then after the medicine started working i helped him with the stiches. Suprisingly he didn't even need my help.

Y/N: "Tell me how did you do it so well?"

Childe: "Haha! What can i say I'm a fast learner! I bet i could teach you a thing or two."

He remembers something....

Y/N: "Then i believe you can put your bandages by yourself now."

Childe: "Aaaahhh would you look at that i can't move my arm back, it hurts me too much."

He made a painfull face and after that smiled at me brightly and full of hope. I took the bandages and unwraped them a bit.

Y/N: "Put your arms up."

Childe did as told. I started to bandage his torso first, noticing how well build he is i touched his abs and stomach.

Childe: "I know i am handsome but you could hold yourself back a bit. My family is here."

As soon as i realized what i was doing i retrackted my hand and continued to put the bandage around him.

Y/N: "Sorry..."

Childe didn't say anything after that. I glanced at his face to see his reaction. He put a hand over his mouth and was looking away.
After i was finally done, i packed everything up.

Y/N: "Childe."

Childe: "Yes?"

Y/N: "Next time anything happens tell me."

Childe: "Sorry, I will be more carefull."

Y/N: "Have a goodnight Childe"

Childe: "You too Y/N"

870 words

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