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"Y/N isn't here"

His voice rung in the younger man's ears, repeating constantly in a distressing loop.

"Stop lying, i know they are here-"

"They are not. Childe. At least no longer."

His face full of displeasure, something must have happened.

"They left, so if you wish to look for them, do it outside"

With those words Dottore has left the confused man, after a moment so did Childe. He wasn't lying, his assistant was not here, he would have to look elsewhere.


I walked through the densly forest, shadows lurking behind the trees. The sun has already set below the horizon, the light reflecting from the moon made my path visible. I stumbled upon a slope, the snow that covered the ground and branches looked like glitter in the night, a river run down from the mountain top, it was truly beautiful. I sat down on a near fallen tree and admired the view, my body shaking from the cold. I thought about everything that has happend so far, the feelings I had, it all felt surreal. I asked myself. What should I do now?
Only one answer came to my mind.

"I need to get away"

My eyes wide, my mouth slightly open in suprise. How could such a thing cross my mind, I squezeed my hands, nails digging into my shoulders. The Tsaritsa would find me and kill me, there is too much information that could be leaked if she didn't. I took a deep breath, a cloud leaving from my lips, my body had stopped shaking. I had to move again or i could die from hypothermia, although with this beautiful view it might have not been so bad.


I looked at him dumbfounded and confused.

"Could you repeat that..."


"This is item doesn't hold any power nor is it an antique. I'm sorry Childe but there is no reason for the Tsaritsa to want this."

Then why was I here. Why was Scaramouche looking for it? WHY were other Harbringers after us?! There had to be a reason damn it!

Calm, I needed to stay calm and think, she always has a reason. If this was all a ruse, what did it serve? If they were trying to get rid of me, what for... maybe... no.
I thanked Zhongli as I walked out of the parlor. I already knew the answer but I couldn't accept it, why did it always had to be them.


As I had stepped foot in the plains of Liyue, my body could finally relax, embracing the warmth of the rising sun. In the distance I could see a building, as I made my way there the sun was already high above my head, it turned out to be an Inn so I decided to rest here for a while and then it hit me. I don't have any mora on me... saying i am from fatui is probably not the smartest thing to do either...
I should probably talk with the owner, maybe there is still a way for me to pay them or exchange something. As i walked up to the reception-


Ah. I must have forgot how I looked, the blood covering my ragged clothes must be quite a suprise.

"Oh dear! What has happened to you!"

She wasn't kicking me out?

"I-I was attacked by bandits in the mountains..."

I lied, but it wasn't really that far from the truth, my raspy voice making it even more believable.

"Oh you poor thing, here have a key to a room. Go clean yourself up and I will get you a change of clothes."

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