New People

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I am so confused why people are still reading this, considering how poorly this story is written and the fact I haven't uploaded anything in months. I will mark it as finished but I have no intentions of continuing it. This is what I had written out when I still had motivation, I will leave it here. Maybe I will come to write it further some day but for now I want to focus on my other books.


Uggh I can't believe i actually got scammed by an old Lady... I looked at the necklace hanging on my neck... this is nothing more then a pendant, well except for the price... I guess i should just be more careful on what i spend my money on from now.

I continued walking up the giant stairs, keeping close to the wall it made me more comfortable, I didn't think the training at Wangshu Inn would be helpful this fast. Mondstadt reminded me slightly of home if i even could call it that, the tall buildings, slippery roads made of stone, the only difference was the atmosphere. When i closed my eyes i could imagine the cold slowly creeping up my skin, giving me goose bumps, the light shining into my eyes becoming darker as if covered by the clouds. And then something snapped me back to reality, i felt something towering over me, i opened my eyes and saw a colossal statue of the Anemo Archon Barbatos. The faith of Mondstadters never ceases to amaze me, especially while the most known thing about this place is that their God has abandoned them.

There wasn't as many people as in the square, the air felt much lighter and easier to breathe in, there wasn't anything that i was supposed to do, it truly is a nice break from everything that has been happening a while ago. There was still a lot of time until i was supposed to meet up with the rest of the group so i decided to visit the church, after all nothing wrong could happen there.

The details where breath taking, although it couldn't compare to the cathedrals in Snezhnaya it still held it's own kind of beauty, one that couldn't be understood without seeing this place and it's people. Ever since leaving the Tsaritsas grasp i finally started noticing that things she taught us weren't exactly as they seemed, it makes me want to know what else was she wrong about or if my mind just want's to rebel.


Who would have guessed.
Really. Who didn't guess.
Something did happen. How could i forget about the fact that i should be laying low! I didn't think the Fatui would be in the Church and as surely i didn't think it would be an old coworker.

How do i always get myself into these situations i can not comprehend it, my only way out is now blocked and i am sure i have been already marked as the traitor of the Tsaritsa, there is no way they don't know about that. Just what exactly do i do now, they don't look like they will leave anytime soon and i would rather be anywhere but here. Could i take them in a fight? I used to be stronger then them but now i can't be sure...

While i was trying to hide behind a pillar i heard crying, i watched as a small girl covered her face, tears dropping from her eyes while the Fatuus frantically tried to calm her down. I quickly grabbed the chance and moved towards the exit, however before i could even take a step i was dragged back by my hand towards the opposite way. For a moment i thought how rusty i got, not even feeling that someone was walking up behind me.

We entered a room, the door closed almost hitting me straight in the face, i got turned around roughly, not like i was putting up any fight but i had my guard up way more then before. A hand slammed close to my head making me startled even if just a little, my brain quickly scanned the room and the person standing right before me. It looked like a chamber available only to the nuns of the church so why was 'I' dragged into here? Before me, surprisingly, stood a nun, well it was more like she towered over me, her glare reminded me of an animal, ready to attack at any given minute. So far my image of Mondstadts people was rather tilted towards the weirder side, seriously is there anyone normal in here?

"State your name. What are you doing here." She wasn't asking, she was demanding a response, I could only hope that the one that i was about to give her was good enough. She held something cold and sharp under my chin, it didn't seem to look like a normal knife but from this perspective i couldn't see it very well.


I must have looked a bit taken aback, as she laughed at my expression.

"What's wrong? You look as if you saw a ghost!"

Her happy attitude brought a small smile onto my face. I saw Chongyun, Xinyan and Xingqiu walking further behind her.

"I couldn't catch any of you around for a while now, where were you?"

"Oh really?? We saw you at some point but you didn't seem to hear us... and then you suddenly disappeared."

"It was nothing weird though, did ya all see the crowd!? You had better chances to look for a needle in a stack of hay."

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