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After resting for some days i started to feel a lot better. Me and Childe have been looking for ways of bringing his memory back. I have found out that Childe's has a rather big family wich almost nobody from the fatuis knew about. Childe has been suspended from his work for now and he has been rather.... too enthusiastic.

Y/N: "Childe everything has been prepared we can depart now"

Childe: "Is that so. Do you know how long will the ride take?"

He turned around and looked at me, he looked a litlle bit confused. His face got a litlle more red. Was he blushing? No it must be my imagination.

Y/N: "With the current weather it should take us around 3hours"

After looking at me for a litlle bit longer he finally spoke.

Childe: "What are you wearing?"

Is that what's this about?

Y/N: "This is my casual attire Sir- I mean Childe."

I still can't get used to this.

Y/N: "We shouldn't let your family know that you work for the fatui. If it is bothering you then i shall change in to different clothes."

I didn't actually know if his family knew about his job, but this was one of the orders from the Tsaritsa.

Childe: "There is no need for that, I just simply thought you look much better in them then in your formall attire."

He looked away coughing slightly into his hand.

Childe: "We should go now if we want to be there on time."

Y/N: "Ofcourse Childe"

It was still hard for me to walk on my own so Childe helped me to the cab.
We didn't really talk much through out the ride, only sometimes would i catch him looking at me and i started to question myself. Did i really just imagined it?
We have arrived at Childe's house. The warm welcome of his siblings has melted my heart a litlle. They already knew what has happened with Childe although they didn't exactly knew how it occured. Still they were delighted to have him back home. The first one to get to his brother was Teucer.

Teucer: "Big brother!"

The boy run straight into Childe's arms.
But Childe himself didn't know how to react. I know he has been looking forward to this but he must have felt lost and akward.

Tonia: "It is good to have you back brother. Both of you should come inside, let us not stand in the cold."

Tonia said while embracing Childe.

Anthon: "So may we know who is this girl? Did my brother finally has found someone?"

Tonia: "Anthon!"

Y/N: "It is alright. Let me introduce myself. I am Y/N and i am Childe's assistant. I'm honored to meet you all."

I say as i slightly bow down.

Teucer: "You have your own assistant brother, you never told me!"

Childe: "Of course i do, a very reliable one at that!"

He said as he put his hand around my shoulder.

Tonia: "Teucer could you go to your room for a second?"

Teucer: "But Tonia! Big brother and the nice lady just came i want to spend more time with them!"

Tonia: "I'm sure that Ajax and the nice lady will come spend time with you after we are done."

Is that Childe's name? I probably shouldn't use it.

Teucer: "Fine, but it's a promise!"

Teucer went to his room and everyone fell silent. Tonia's face changed into a worried one and after a moment she spoke.

Tonia: "Brother is it true? Do you not remember anything?"

Childe was quiet for a moment, thinking of how to let their siblings know.

Childe: "Yes, sadly it is true. There is very little that i remember but i feel like it is all slowly coming back to me."

Anthon: "If that's the case we will do everything in our power to help you."

Childe: "Thank you. I really appreciate that."

They didn't ask how Childe lost his memories, pheraps they already know it had something to do with the fatui.

Tonia: "Mother and Father left to buy somethings they should be back soon, for now I'm sure Teucer would be more then happy to spend time with you."

She said with a smile on her face. I looked at Childe waiting for him to react. He seemed a bit lost so i spoke for him.

Y/N: "Could you show us to his room?"

Childe looked at me a litlle scared but soon enough he relaxed a litlle. Did he not wanted to disapoint his brother?

Anthon: "Here follow me."

We followed Anthon to Teucer room. When we got there i noticed Childe being a bit hesitant before knocking on the door. We heared light thumps after they went silent the youngest sibling opened the door.

Teucer: "Big brother! Y/N!"

Childe: "Hi Teucer."

Teucer: "Come in! I want to show Y/N mr. Cyclops!"

Teucer holds our hands and takes us inside his room. He shows us the toys that Childe has brought him from various sides of the world. We play with the boy for a long time, i ask Teucer to tell us stories of how he got this gifts.

Teucer: "Y/N If you are my brother's assistant, does that mean you help him make all these toys?"

I found out that Childe has been telling Teucer that he is a toy maker to cover up that he works for the fatui. I didn't want to ruin his hard work and the boys dreams so i played along.

Y/N: "Yes, me and your brother make all kinds of toys."

I smiled at him, he was such a good kid.

Childe: "Without Y/N i wouldn't be the best toy seller in Teyvat!"

Teucer: "Y/N did you know! When i grow up i want to be just like my brother!"

Childe had a smile on his face but it looked sad and it wasn't hard to guess what he was feeling.

Childe: "Teucer i think it's time for bed."

Teucer: "But i want to play with you more!"

Childe: "We can play more tomorrow. How about that Teucer?"

Teucer: "Alright...."

Childe puts the boy to bed and they both say goodnight. We head to leave and I close the door after us.

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