Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I'm so excited for this book and I just hope you like it! :-) I cant wait to read your replies and comments and I hope you share this books with your followers and their followers...blah blah blah. Enjoy lovelies!


When my phone rings I fumble to pull it out of my pocket. When I slide my finger over the answer key I smile.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey girly." I love when he calls me that. I just blush and I start getting all fluttery inside.

"Ready for our date?" I ask still smiling. My smile fades when he says.

"Oh. I'm so sorry I can't make it. I have to help my dad with his car and then I have to help my mom. She's still sick." He's used this excuse so many times now I'm used to it.

"Oh. Okay."

That was the first lie Andrew told me.


I take one last look in the mirror before stepping out of my house. I curled my brunette hair up tight . I'm wearing a blue cardigan with a black tank underneath, my clouded jeans are complimented with some white KD's. My blue eyes pop with the eyeliner I put on and I grab my things and head out the door. As I'm turning the key into the ignition my phone buzzes. I grin from ear to ear when I see Andy's name pop up.

"Hey." I say pulling out of my driveway.

"Hey girly, you won't see me at school today, gotta help mom." I frown.

"But, you would've loved my outfit." I whine frowning even deeper.

"I'm sorry, babe I gotta go." He hangs up and I toss my phone in the backseat. I don't even care for school anymore so I just head for the mall.

I blast my music up and pull into the parking lot. I get out not bothering to grab my phone and head inside looking for a destraction. I get a lot of looks from a lot of Gothic boys as I walk in. I just roll my eyes and keep walking. I go into my favorite store: Rue 21, and start looking for the perfect dress. And that's when I hear it. The squeal of a girl and the chuckle of a boy. I know that chuckle. I get it mostly everyday by...I walk over to the dressing rooms and I find Andrew and a random girl making out aggresivly on a waiting chair.


Hope ypou guys liked the first part!

Tell me how you liked it, disliked it, how things could've been different. I want to hear it all! Just keep the hate on the down low. Sorry haters!

Love ya!


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