Chapter 4

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Hey guys! New chapter.


After I was done sobbing, I decided to go to Ashley's house. She always knew how to cheer me up. She wasn't exactly my friend, she just knew how to make me feel better. So I went to my keys and checked myself in the mirror. Only a little puffy around the eyes. I told myself. I walked outside and opened my car door, but not until after some boys from the other class drove by and started yelling at me.

"Dear diary! I'm so pathetic! Please help me!" They cackled and drove off. I got in my car and slammed the door. As I get closer to Ashley's house I hear loud music. Maybe someone's having a party. I wonder. Then I turn the corner and all I see is cars lined up outside of Ashley's house. 

"Crap!" I yell. But I manage to find a parking spot outside of her house and I step out hoping no one will recognize me. I was wrong.

"Hey, diary girl!" A guy named John from chemistry says. I just laugh along with him and walk inside the house. It smells like sweaty bodies and alcohol. Hopefully Ashley isn't drunk. I hope. Then I see the familiar shade of bright red hair I love so much.

"Ashley!" I yell. She turns around from a guy I've never met and spots me, and she grins. She pushes her way past multiple bodies and gathers me in a hug much needed. 

"Taylor, how are you?" She asks saying my name wrong. I'm confused until I see the plastic red cup in her hands.

"Great." I groan to myself. "I'm going up to the room, okay?" I tell her. She laughs and says.

"Whatever you want, Jessica." I roll my eyes and go up the stairs ignoring the looks I get for being sober. When I open the third door on the left I hope to have peace and quiet but what meets me is two guys and two girls playing spin the bottle. I groan again and walk inside.

"Excuse me, can you guys leave? I need this room." One of the girls stands up and get all up in my face.

"What you gonna do if we don't?" She asks. I can smell the vodka on her breath.

"I'll just call the cops and tell them I got a full house of underage drinkers running around." She just waves me off like I didn't say anything and she shoves me against the wall.

"Well, I know what I'm gonna do to you." She says grinning. Her entourage behind us are egging her on. I keep hoping and praying that someone will come and resuce me but when the first blow hit, I knew no one was coming to my rescue.



"This is what happens." 


"When you don't mind your own."




I fall to the ground holding my face. The punches have been going on for what feel like ages. No one has come for me, no one cares, so I haven't bothered to fight back. I gave up all hope that someone cared that I was up here getting beat on. But then the music stopped, and there were murmurs all around the house. A few seconds later I heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway. And then a bang at the door.

"Open the door, this is LAPD!" The girl who beat me curses under her breath. "Open the door or I'll do it for you!" A man yells. No one does anything, nobody moves, nobody talks. Thats when the police burst through the door.


Hoped you guys liked this chapter! :) Its a little longer than my normal, but you guys waited patiently, you're welcome!

Love ya


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