Chapter 10

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New update! Hope you like! :)


Scarlet's P.O.V.

"Please, stop." I plead. The girl won't stop snipping at my hair. The people around me are trying to remove my clothes, laughing drunkenly and poking at me. I look around for anything, anyone, to save me from this madness. I'm getting no help. A cute boy comes up to me and places his lips on mine. He tastes like alcohol and mint. His lips are soft and smooth and he grabs my hair and snips off another piece himself.

"No!" I shriek. He kisses me again and then holds a cup up to my mouth. I try to squirm out of his reach. He holds my head still and pours the contents down my throat. It tastes bitter and it burns all the way down. I am immediately at peace. He seems a lot more attractive now. I giggle. He kisses me again. No one seems to want to rescue me. He deepens the kiss and picks me up. I stumble and he catches me.

"It's okay, baby." He says, he grips my waist. Harder than necessary. I giggle. He hands me another cup. Where is he getting all of these cups? Is he magic? I laugh out loud to myself and he looks at me.

"Where are we going?" I ask, stumbling and then laughing at my clumsiness. He chuckles.

"Somewhere private." Oh. Something in me says I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't think straight and all I do is blush. He see and takes a swig of whatever he's drinking. We come along a wooden door. He knocks, and a red head opens the door.

"Another customer? Come on in."

Jordan's P.O.V.

I hope Tyler isn't hurting her. She's going to hate me by the time everything is over. If Jake hadn't threatened to hurt her, seriously, I had to do it. Now I'm sitting in the club wishing I hadn't done it. I'm not going through with this. I get up from my seat ignoring the looks I get from some of the women dancing on tables. I walk through the people trying to get to her. I get frustrated with all these drunks. I walk through the people and I hear her scream. I know she's drunk, and she's supposed to be humiliated, but she shouldn't be getting hurt. I go up to the door Tyler said they would be in. I don't bother knocking and there she is. Laying on the ground with Tyler on top of her. She's trying to wriggle out of his grasp but he pins her down and kisses her. I can see the tears running down her face and into her hair. He straddled on top of her. How could I let this happen? I march over to Lindsay and she turns around smiling at me.

"Hey, Jordan. How's it been?" She grins. I stare at her like she's lost her mind.

"I didn't say you could rape her. This is going too far. And is he drunk?" She shrugs.

"So he had a couple drinks. So what? I mean the girl deserves it right? That's why you brought her here?" I look at the ground not looking at her eyes. I can't deal with this. I hurry over to Tyler and Scarlet and yank him off of her. He looks at me in a daze.

"Oh, hey Jordan. She's great." He jumbles together the words and I instantly know he's stoned. I pull him off of the ground.

"Did you hurt her?" I growl. He shakes his head vigorously. I let him go and I walk over to Scarlet. She's still crying and shaking on the ground.

Scarlet's P.O.V.

 *30 minutes ago*

Pretty boy walks over to me after talking to red-head, and kisses me again. This time he goes farther and tries going up my shirt. I slap his hand away and he slaps my face. He pushes me to the ground. I wince. I fell on my hand. He pins my hands behind my head and starts kissing my neck.

"No!" I scream. He just keeps at it. He reeks of alcohol and-

"Ow!" He bit me! I try to struggle as the tears fall down my face. I kick him in the groin and he curses letting go of my arms to slap me again. I cry harder. My head hurts and I wish Jordan would come back. He starts to feel my legs when other Pretty boy walks in looking mad. But he won't stop kissing me. I just wanna go home. Please...

Jordan's P.O.V.


She's asleep in the passenger seat slightly snoring. That's good because I don't want her asking questions. We pull up to the house and all the guys wanna know what happened.

"Is she stoned?" Jake asks.

"Is that a hickey I see?" Kris says.

"You shouldn't have done it." Ashton states.

I ignore them all and take her to her room for now. If only she knew why...


Hey guys! Hoped you like the new update! A lot of things will be happening next so be prepared. It also might be a little late, because of ideas going through this twisted mind of mine. Anyway, enjoy!

Love ya!


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