Chapter 9

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* I'm so glad you guys are here to read what I put out there.

The song above is so what I'm feeling right now. Scarlet is on the next slide. read and enjoy. I love you guys.*


Scarlet's P.O.V.

I had fun yesterday. Me and the boys went to the park and to the movies. We saw some stupid kids movie with aliens and they invaded the Earth. At the park, the guys played catch and I rested on a blanket. Jordan has made me feel so welcome, Kris on the other hand was nothing but rude, calling me out of my name and insulting me. After a while they huddle up and start talking in low voices.

Jordan's P.O.V.

We were having a good time. Scarlet was resting, we were playing catch without drama, and it was actually...peaceful. Then Jake called a meeting.

"Jordan, your up." I shake my head no. They all groan.

"Would you stop being such an a** for two seconds? It's nothing. I'll do it then." Kris says. He walks over to Scarlet and sits down. I can see her tense from here. I know he makes her so uncomfortable. He's a natural at that. I wish I knew what he was saying. If he's insulting her again... my fists clench and I stalk over there.  Scar walks over to another spot I glare at Kris and he devilishly grins at me.

"What did you say?" I ask angrily. He shrugs. I look around for her and see her sitting against a tree. I calm myself as much as I can and I walk over to her.

"Hey." I say. She smiles at me.

Scarlet's P.O.V.

That was so awkward I just about puked. Kris is now worried about my goodwill? He's so strange. One minute he's insulting me, the next he's asking me how I like it here. He tries to smile and he's failing miserably. I know something's up. I just don't know what. Jordan starts to walk over towards us. I immediately smile. He's made me smile since I got here. He sits next to me and looks at me.

"Hey. Is he bothering you ?" He asks. I shake my head no.

"He's freaking me out though." His smile falters and he leans closer to me.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when you're disgusted?" I blush. I know I should be suspicious but he's just so darn cute, I can't take my eyes off of him. He smiles at my reaction.

"Would it be asking much to ask you on a date?" I  shake my head no after a moment of hesitation. Kris is now glaring at the ground and he gets up and storms off. Jordan leans even closer and whispers.

"I can't wait." He gets up from his spot next to me and walks back over to the guys.

Jordan's P.O.V.

All the guys pat me on the back. All except Kris. I couldn't just let him take control of her like that. It would be wrong. I had to do it. I didn't do it for credit. It didn't feel right.

"So, what'd you say?" Ashton asks. I shrug and say.

"I'm taking her out on a date." The Jake goes into the whole plan again. I've heard it about a million times. Take her out, get her high, then expose her. Same old same old. It was wrong, but this is the way I was trained. It had to be done. This Thursday, Scarlet was going to be our next victim.

*Three days later*

Scarlets P.O.V.

I don't know where he's taking me, he placed a blindfold on my eyes and placed his hand on my thigh the entire car ride. What seems like an hour later we arrive at our destination. He gets out of the car and opens my door. After he helps me out he removes the blindfold. I look at my surroundings. No doubt we're at a club. I can see people out from drinking and laughing. Now I wish I had worn a longer dress. He smiles at me and leads me inside. The music is blaring and people are dancing all over the place. There are women dancing in tables. Teens are dancing on men like they are connected at the midsection. Jordan takes me to the bar and asks the bartendentor for a 'sex on the beach'. I take sip, it tastes sweet and tangy at the same time. I thirstily drink it up. He asks for another and this time I drink it up faster than the first. I immediately feel lighter. I giggle. Jordan chuckles. What did I just laugh for? I look at Jordan and he looks at me. He's so cute. I lean over and kiss him.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so..." Then I burst into a fit of giggles. Jordan asks for a different drink this time. I pick up the glass and take a sip. Its bitter, but I don't care it burns as I gulp it down. I stumble a little on my feet.

"Come on. I wanna show you something." He takes my hand.

"Your cute." I say. Then I start skipping. Where are we going? My brain is blurry. Or is that my eyes? He takes me to a room in the back of the bar. There are a lot of people there. I recognizes some of them, I think. One of the boys comes up to me.

"Hey, b****. Join the party." He yanks me into the group of people. Jordan is no where in site anymore. I see people I should recognize but I don't . This alcohol is really messing me up. A pretty blonde girl walks up to me and smiles.

"We're going to have a little fun with you." She says. She pulls out a pair of scissors and comes closer to my face. I close my eyes wishing I were somewhere else...


Hey guys! Hoped you liked it! Might not update for a few days. Sorry.

Love ya!


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