Chapter 5

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As the police drag away the girl who almost beat me senseless, a paramedic asks me questions.

"Have you been drinking?"

"No." She writes something on a clipboard.

"Do you feel any throbbing pains anywhere?" She asks.

"No." She writes something else on a clipboard. She keeps asking me questions, but for most of them she has to repeat because I'm not listening. My eyes go wide when I see the police dragging Ashley out of the house and I forget where and who I am for a second and run after Ashley tackling the police officer down.

"Let her go!" I yell at him. I try getting back up but I feel an excrutiating pain in my leg and I start to feel nauseous, passing out.


I wake up in a cell. 

My leg is killing me. 

Where am I?

Oh yeah, in a cell.

I sit up and look around. There is a boy standing outside of my cell looking in at me. He was one of the boys that were in the room.

What room?

The room they were playing spin the bottle in.

Oh yeah.

He smiles at me.

"Morning." He says drinking from a cup of coffee. I look at his gorgeous features.

"And why are you here?" I ask him.

"Well, if it wasn't for me you'd be in jail right now instead of a holding cell." He smirks. I feel stupid now that this hunk would bail me out.

"Why did you help me? And where is Ashley?" I say standing and walking over towards him. He puts his hands up in surrender.

"Hey, I just got here five minutes ago. I heard someone screaming for you, but I'm not sure that it was Ashley." I sigh. I hold on to the metal bars and whisper.

"Aren't you embarassed to be with "diary girl" anyway? Why are you still here?" Trying to figure this boy out is like trying to figure out a 5,000 piece puzzle without the picture. He just shakes his head.  "What's your name?" I ask him.

"Jake. Jake Valentine. Yours?"

"Scarlet Jones." We shake hands through the bars.

"You're very attractive Scarlet Jones." I blush. Then we hear someone say.

"What are you doing here?"

"That's my cue." Jake says and he runs off in the opposite direction.


Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter! I might do a double update if I feel like it. Can't wait for spring break! Five days off!

Love ya!


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