Chapter 18

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Scarlet's P.O.V.

          I sat there in the cold, dark, room watching them torture Ashton and I can do nothing about it. I cried my eyes out wishing for someone to come save him. They punched him repeatedly in the stomach and the face. I tried  to scream for help, but they put a bandana around my mouth.  

         "Your turn, sweetheart." 

Elias said coming up to me. He smiles at me and I try not to cry. He unties the bandana and lifts my chin. I turn my head away from him. He grimaces and smacks me across my face. 

         "You cooperate. Not getting out of here anytime soon, doll." 

He pulls me to my feet, unlatching the chains. He tugs me behind him, me stumbling along the way. He takes me to a room filled with weapons. Guns, bow and arrows, swords, grenades, rifles, and all sorts of others.  

        "Pick one." I stare at him like he's crazy. 

Which he is. 


 I ask. He stays quiet. He motions towards the wall of weapons and tells me again to choose which one I want. I walk  over to the guns and I get a shot gun. It feels heavy and wrong in my hands and I don't like it's feeling. But Elias drags me back to the room where Ashton is. Elias places me right in front of Ashton and says.

          "Shoot him." 

Right then I drop the gun. It crashed to the floor. Elias grimaced at me and told me to pick it up again. I grab the gun with shaking hands, and nervously look at Ashton.

         "It's okay, Scar." 

I shake my head no. It won't be okay. I turn the gun around and point it at me. 

         "No! Don't let her do this! This is my fault. Shoot me!" I squeeze my eyes shut and turn the safety off on the gun.  "Scarlet no!" I put my index finger on the trigger. Elias grins. At the moment before they expect me to pull the trigger and commit suicide I quickly snap around and point it at Elias. His face falls. 

         "Goodbye as*h***." I pull the trigger and his body slumps to the floor. The gunshot echoes throughout the room and we are all silent.  No one moves. Ashton's eyes are big and round looking at the deceased Elias on the floor. Kris exchanges looks between me and his now dead uncle. I come out of my shock and go undo Ashton's chains. Ashton hugs me tightly after I unchain him. He looks at me with eyes full of tears. He kisses me and says.

         "I thought you were gone, Scar. I thought you'd be the one on the floor, lifeless. Not him." 

        "Guess I'm not as dumb as he thought I was." I answer back. Now we both look at Kris questioningly. 

         "Are you going to let us go?" Ashton asks. Kris just stares at me. Then he slowly starts walking towards me. Ashton immediately stands in front of me to protect me. Kris just pushes him out of the way and stops right in front of me.

        "Thank you." He whispers. Ashton's face falls in shock. I just look at Kris. "I know it seemed like I enjoyed torturing you and hurting you, well, for some of it I did. But I knew that it wasn't right hurting all these girls like this. and using them. So, for that. I'm s-sorry, Scarlet." Then he moves out of the way to let me go. I look at Ashton, and he just shrugs. I, knowing that that shrug was just a cover for what he really wanted to say, grabbed his hand, dropped the gun, and ran out of there.

                                                                             *Four months later*

Scarlet's P.O.V.

           After we were set free from Elias and Kris. Me and Ashton went back to the  house and told the rest of the guys what happened. It wasn't easy to forgive them for what they did, but, I couldn't resist their cute pouty faces. We all stayed in their house for the rest of that year. Jordan was the first to leave. He said he didn't want to live in the ghost house of Elias. The others followed him soon. Ashton and I were the last to move. We found an apartment in San Francisco, settled in and we were happy, but sometimes he would go back to the way he was taught by Kris. Demanding and dominant. I tried to teach him to be more calm and focused on other things. Like the fact that we might be pregnant. 



Hey guys! Sorry for such the long wait:( I've been kinda in the writer's block zone. So if it sucks, blame the stupid creator of writer's block! :) Anyway, there will be a sequel coming out soon. I haven't figured out the name yet, but you guys could help. If you have any ideas you can PM me any time or leave titles in the comment box below v

Thank you guys for all the reads and votes, and followers!:) I will try , try to read at least one book from all of my followers for giving me support. 

Love ya!


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