Chapter 14

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*Jordan up above*

Jordan's P.O.V.

This shivering girl looks terrified. I reach out to her.

"Scar, who did this to you?" She backs away from me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. Just tell me who did this to you." She stumbles backward trying to get away from me.

"Scarlet...It was Kris wasn't it?" She looks at me, hard.

She doesn't want to say it, but her eyes tell the whole story. I give her a small nod, hand her my car keys, and go upstairs. I can hear voices coming from Scarlet's room and I step inside.

"What the HELL did you do to her!" I demand at Kris.

He's up against the wall under Jake's fist. "HOW DARE YOU RAPE HER. HOW DARE YOU!!!" I scream and charge at him. I land a few good blows to his jaw and ribs. But he's stronger than me and he flips me over onto the ground and hits me in the head.

"You know you would've done it. You're just mad I got to her first." He hisses. Then he gets in my face. "She. Was. Amazing. Too bad you let her go." I spit in his face. He laughs a wickedly laugh and releases his grip on me. Jake tries to pin him up again but Kris pushes him to the other side of the room. Kris leaves the room.

Scarlet's P.O.V.

I don't know where I'm going. I just want to get away. I twist and turn down streets I don't know. Jordan had a jacket and a pair of sweats in the back, so I put them on, hoping to cover up the marks that Kris gave me. It was horrible.

*** ***

He pinned me up against the wall, and presses his body against mine. He smashes his lips on mine. Making me groan. This is so disgusting! He starts making his way up my shirt and I try to stop him but he holds my arms even tighter.

"Stop struggling, Princess. It'll be okay."

He puts his hand up my shirt and starts feeling my breasts.

"No! Stomm!" He kisses me again. Pulling me towards the bed.

*** ***

I can't go back. Jordan may have some feelings towards me, Jake may feelings towards me, but I can never trust them again.

Never again.

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