Chapter 7

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Jakes P.O.V.

Her lips parted welcoming me. I placed my hand on her cheek. I know we just met but there's something special about this girl. She really makes me want more of her. She tilted her head deepening the kiss. Not letting this get too far I pulled back. She sat back in her leather seat breathing hard and then she started to blush. I smile to myself and lift her chin making her look at me. "I'm going to take you to my house okay?" She nods and I put the car in drive.

Scarlet's P.O.V.

He drives off smirking to himself. Then his grin goes away into a look of concentration. I like looking at Jake driving. The crease in between his eyes brows is very appealing to me. We drive for a while and I stare out the window. 

"Those people are sick for doing that to you." He says his hands griping the steering wheel harder turning his knuckles white. He stops at a stop sign and turns to look at me. 

"You didn't deserve that. you are worth far more than a dollar. you know that right?" I nod my head not meeting his eyes. I look back out the window looking at the passing trees and people walking by.

 "I would've payed thousands just to sit there next to you." I turn and gaped at him. This boy amazes me. I think he really cares about me. But I still don't know because I trusted Andrew. And see where that got me. He finally pulls away from the stop sign turning the corner down the street with houses going down the sides. They are expensive looking houses. He pulls up to one of them and stops. it looks like a three story house. There were cars already parked out front and he opened his door. He goes around and opens the passenger door for me and I step out. I wonder who he lives here with? Why does he want me here? I don't know why I'm so special. I really hope this isn't some scam he's set up.

Jakes P.O.V.

I can tell she doesn't trust me. I don't blame her. Look what Andrew did to her. I think someone actually hit her. She has a bruise on her right cheek. Someone better not have hit her. I don't what I would do if they did. But I take her hand and lead her inside my house. I hope this isn't too overwhelming for her. I just have a couple of friends over watching the game with me. I have the guest bedroom already prepared for her. She looks at all of my things thrown around everywhere. We can hear the roars and boos of my friends in the game room.

"Hey, Jake! Come in here. The Patriots are getting whooped!" The rest of the guys in the room start calling me in there but I guide Scarlet to the stairway.

"Sorry guys, I have someone else over and she doesn't want to go in there."

"She? Ooh! Is she hot?" Another friend asks. I look at her.

"Very." She blushes. I take her up the stairs. She wobbles a little on a couple but when we get to the guest bedroom she sighs.

"Thank you." She smiles a little.

"It's no problem. I have to get down there to tell them to shut up, or you'll never get any sleep." She nods and opens the door. She steps inside and turns around to face me. She steps up on her tippy toes and kisses me lightly on the cheek. She pulls back.

"Really, thank you." I grin.

"Anytime." She blushes again and quietly shuts the door. I walk down the stairs chuckling lightly to myself.


Hey guys! Sorry for a late update:( I got busy again, but I hope you like it :)


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