Chapter 8

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Scarlet's P.O.V.

I woke up not knowing where I was. The pink silk sheets calmed my worries though. Someone's walking down the hallway. I hear their padded feet coming down the carpeted floors. They stop in front of my door and a second later there is a knock. I unwrap myself from the comfortable sheets and walk over to the door. Right before I open the door I notice that I have no pants on. I run back over to the bed and grab a pair of shorts I had in my bag. I pull them on and go back to the door. When I open it I see a sleepy looking Jake standing there. His hair is bed tousled and he had no shirt on. Whoo! That boy has got himself a body. He has blue basketball shorts on and when I looked up to see him seeing me checking him out, I blushed. He smirked and asked,

"Like the view?" He asks. I blush even harder and ignore his question. "Breakfast is downstairs. The guys are still here, they actually kind of live here too, just to warn you." I nod. He chuckles and turns walking down the hallway. I hurry back into the bedroom and go into the bathroom connected to it. I go through the drawers and find an extra toothbrush to use. I brush my teeth and check my face for any crud. When it passes inspection I head downstairs.

Jakes P.O.V.

I hear her come down the stairs. I hope the guys won't bother her. She's wearing a crop top and some short shorts. I don't know if she's aware that guys would practically crawl all over her just to see her beautiful body in that. I'm trying to focus on the pancakes that I'm flipping but I can hear Jordan fidgeting in his seat.

"I'm Scarlet. And you you are?" I already know he's pulling that boyish grin that all the girls fall for. It gets annoying. I'm not saying he's ugly or anything. He's a pretty decent looking guy that all the girls call "hot" I just don't like it when he goes for the girls I like.

"I'm Jordan. Nice outfit." I can tell by her silence that she's blushing. I want to end this so I turn around and look dead at Scarlet.

"Morning beautiful." She blushes and mumbles 'mornin under her breath. "I hope you like pancakes,eggs,bacon,sausage,and toast." I say smiling. She laughs and nods. Jordan gives me a look. I shrug and smile at Scarlet again. God, she's beautiful.

Scarlet's P.O.V.

He keeps giving me his cute boyish adorable grin. I can't help but smile back to him. I know he was trying to get Jordan to stop talking to me, but its okay. I like them all. Even though I've only met Jordan, the other two boys are cute and they look nice enough. Jake walks over to the Blondie and smacks in the face. The boy snaps his head up, and when his eyes land on me he immediately smiles raking his eyes up and down my body. I blush furiously. He smiles again.

"I'm Ashton. Ashton Myers. And you are?"

"I'm Scarlet."

Then he turns back to Jake and slaps him on the head.

"Why didn't you tell me we had a hottie living here?" He asks. Jake chuckles.

"She's not living here, she just needs a place right now. She's going through some things." Ashton nods, still smiling. He goes over to the the other boy and he shakes him on the shoulder. The boy mumbles to himself.

"What?" He asks, his voice sleepy sounding. Ashton nods in my direction and the boy looks. His eyes widen at the sight of me. Then his face goes back to neutral.

"Got yourself a new playmate, Jake?" He asks, setting his head back on the table. This boy is very rude. Jake smacks him upside the head for it. The boy chuckles.

"This a****** is Kris. He has no manners as you can see." Jake explains. I think we could get along. The four of us. Maybe.

Jakes P.O.V.

After we all have our servings, and Scarlet is showering. Me and the guys talk.

"You can't just treat her like a plaything guys. She's special."

"That didn't stop you with all the others." Kris says. I smack him on the head.

"Shut up. Idiot. She cannot know about that. I might blow it." Ashton rolls his eyes.

"Give her to me then. She's perty." We all nod in agreement. Jordan says nothing. He was always the soft one in the group. Never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings.

"Jake?" Scarlet asks from the top of the stairs. I get up from pour circle and head towards the staircase. "I need clothes." She says. I take two steps at a time to get to her. She's wrapped in a towel. I try not to show emotion. I show her to my room. She waits hesitantly at the door and I motion her inside. She looks at everything in here while I pull out some shorts from, my drawer. I hand her a pair and she tells me she has a shirt. She thanks me quietly and walks out of the room.


Hey! This chapter is a bit longer than my usual, but that's okay. Hopefully you guys like this chapter. Vote,comment,share.

Love ya!


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