Chapter 12

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*Kris up above*

It's been a couple of hours sitting alone in this room. I stare up at the ceiling after a whole hour of trying to break down the door with no success. I should've never trusted them. The saying "don't talk to strangers" should have kicked in, but I wasn't thinking. Someone knocks on the door and I look over, sitting up on the bed. Jake peeks in.

" Hey." He steps in closing the door behind him.

"Please don't hurt me, I'll do anything you want, just don't hurt me." He shakes his head.

"I'm not here to hurt you, but Kris might want to, and none of us will be able to stop him. Just to warn you." My face falls thinking of all the horrible things that Kris could and would do to me. Jake walks closer to me. I back away. He leans closer and...

Jake's P.O.V.

I walk towards her as she backs away from me.

"I just wanted to tell you, none of us wanted to do this." She snickers and says,

"Even Kris?" I shrug.

"Then why bother to warn me? I have no chance but to take it." I try and put my hand on her shoulder but she stumbles backward avoiding me. I sigh.

"I really am sorry about all of this." I turn.

"Yeah right. You're a bunch of bastards." I walk out the door.

Kris's P.O.V.

Jake comes down the stairs looking defeated and I smirk. Someone doesn't know how to work a girl.

"Guess it's my turn." I get up from my seat and walk up to her room. I open the door without knocking. She's sitting on the bed staring down at her hands. I walk over to her and she looks up. She sees me and jumps up, her breath staggering in short breaths.

"Hey princess, why so down?"

"Don't call me princess." I frown.

"Why not, princess? I came up here just for you. Don't you like me?" I ask.

"No! I hate you, you were the one who probably put them up to this!" She yells backing me against the wall.

"Now, you should know not to mess with me, princess." I say grabbing her arms and shove her against the wall. She whimpers in pain as I pin her there under my weight. "We're going to have a little fun, princess. I'm going to tell you what to do, and you do it. Got it?" I demand.

"Yes." She whispers. I push her arm further behind her and whisper.

"What's that, princess?"

"Yes! Please, just stop!" She screams in pain. I grin.

"Great, let's play."

Ashton's P.O.V.

I can hear Scarlet's screams coming from upstairs. I can't bear to hear it so I put in my headphones. Even after listening to music for about an hour I can still hear Scarlet screeching and screaming "stop, and help". I can't imagine what he could be doing to her. Well, I could imagine, but, he promised he wouldn't. Would he? I rip out my headphones and charge up the stairs.

"Stop! NO! mmrpgh!" I try the door. Locked. I bang on the door and yell,

"Kris, let me in!"

"Ashtnm!" Then she screams an ear splitting scream. I keep banging on the door and then I charge into it. It breaks open and I can see Kris pinning Scarlet down on the bed. Kris just keeps kissing on her neck and he has his hands on her body. He's ripped her clothes off and he's taken his own shirt off. He keeps feeling her body up and down, I walk over to where they are. Kris looks up at me and warns me with his eyes. I know what he'll do if I interfere. He won't just keep going. he'll kill her once he's done and include me in it. So, I do what I'm told. I turn on my heel, walk out the door ignoring her screams as he continues to feel her up, and shut the door behind me.


Hoped you guys liked this chapter! I doing a double update today so expect the next chapter later today.

Love ya!


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