Chapter 13

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Ashton's P.O.V.

After hour after hour of listening to Scarlet's screams I finally decide to be a man. I walk up to the room where Kris is keeping Scarlet prisoner. I open the door. This time when I walk in, Kris has her pinned on the wall, her arms above her head, and tears running down her face. He kisses her on the mouth roughly and grabs her- I'd rather not say, and she whimpers. She looks exhausted.

"Stop struggling, Princess, it'll be okay." Kris says. All she does is sob. He straightens, pulls back, and slaps her in the face, hard. She falls to the floor in a puddle of tears.

"I told you not to cry, Princess. Now you'll be-"

"Stop!" I yell. Kris doesn't look back at me, he doesn't move. Scarlet sniffs, and looks up at me. I get a look at her face. He's hit her before this. There are more bruises on her cheeks and her neck. Her stomach has his hand prints on it and she's trying to cover it all up with her hands.

"Do not touch her. You've done enough damage." I say walking over to her. I take off my shirt and place it on her stiff, naked body.

"Ash, you know what will happen." Kris warns.

"I do. I should've done this the first time I walked in on you." I try and help Scarlet up but she won't let me touch her. "Now she doesn't trust me."

"I should've never trusted you a*******! You raped me! You do that to girls? You call that fun? You think that makes you a man?" She trembles as she stands and she hobbles out of the room, still trying to cover herself with my shirt.

"How could you do that to her? She was screaming stop that whole time! You said she wasn't your type, what changed! She did not deserve that and now she's hurt! Mentally and physically! She has a reason to hate you!"

"She has a reason to hate you too, you know." He says perfectly calm.

"At least I made amends with the people I hurt. Now she probably won't ever trust a man ever again!" I storm out of the room in search for Scarlet.

Jordan's P.O.V.

I pull into the driveway to hear Ashton yelling.

"She has a reason to hate you!" I pull the keys out of the ignition and step out of the car.

"...ever trust a man ever again!"

I unlock the door and walk inside. Right inside the door about to turn the knob, is a shaking, covered with a shirt, is Scarlet.

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