Chapter 17

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Scarlet's P.O.V.

I tried to forget about all this by sitting in the hot tub, ordering room service, and wearing the hotel robe, but all I could think about was Ashton. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling and then my phone rings. I hurry to answer.

"Hello?" I say already smiling.

"Hey, baby." Kris says....

I drop the phone. How could he know that I was here? I pick up the phone slowly.

"Miss me? 'cause I missed you." I don't say anything. How did he get to the phone? Did they let him call me? Where's Ashton? What did he do to him?

"What did you do to him?" I ask him. He chuckles, but doesn't say anything. 

"What did you do to him?" I scream. The line goes dead. I hang up the phone, hurrying to put some clothes on, and I open my balcony doors. There is an escape ladder on the side of the balcony, I hurry to it. There is banging on my door. I flinch. I try to hurry over to the ladder and let it fall to the ground. The door opens. I see Kris's smug face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He says. 

"Later, a**h***" I jump onto the ladder, placing my feet on the sides so I slide down. 

He runs to the balcony doors and jumps down after me. I keep sliding down to the ground. When I get there, I take off towards the Chuck Jones gallery. 

This place is usually packed so Kris would have trouble getting to me if I ran. I sprinted into the front doors of the gallery. There were people all around. 

I passed through the people excusing myself, and I look back. He bursts through the doors  searching for me. I duck down and blend in with the crowd, slowing my breath. 

He starts moving closer to me, still looking for me, I walk away casually down the hallway with the rest of the crowd.  I look back at him, he catches my eye. I curse quietly. I move quicker, dodging the people and moving quickly so I won' t cause a disturbance.  

Then, I hear the gunshots.

Ashton's P.O.V.

I can't believe I left her. I knew something like this would happen, I just thought that I could protect her. I was wrong, but now I'm tied up and I have no idea what's happening to her. Elias has captured me and is torturing me, he wants me to do what Kris did to her, but I refused. He's hit me, kicked me, and spit on me. I don't understand why he does this. None of us do. Jordan walks through the door. 

"You wanted to see me?" He asks. He looks at me. "Ashton? What is he doing here, and what did you do to him?" Elias gives him a look and he backs off. 

"Find the girl. Do what you need to do." Elias says. Jordan nods. He looks at me with a look of pity and walks out of the door. Elias eyes me. His phone rings. He answers but doesn't say anything. 

"I got her, she's injured, but she'll be fine."

"You injured her." There's a pause. 

"She was running. She would've gotten away. I had to shoot her." 

"YOU SHOT HER!! You better run Kris, 'cause you have no idea of what I'm going to do to you! You better watch yourself! I'm going to Kill you, you a**-" Elias punches me in the face. I can feel my cheek turn colors.

"Shut up... Bring her here, and don't injure her again." He hangs up. This is the worst place she could ever be. 

This is the place where the first girls ever were brought here.

 Raped here.  

Killed here. 

Scarlet is in danger.

Scarlet's P.O.V.

      I've been shot, gagged, and stuffed into a trunk of a car. I can barely breathe, and my arm is killing me.  I have no idea where Ashton is, he's probably with that Elias guy. If he's hurt I don't know what I'll do. When he finds out that I got shot he's going to flip. The vehicle I'm in stops and the trunk opens. We walk for a while and a door opens.

"Where's the wound." Elias's voice asks. 


"MMM!" I yell. Elias presses into my wound. I  scream in pain. Kris yanks off the black mask off of my face, and I see Ashton's battered, and bruised face, and a tear falls down my face. He takes off the gag.

"Ashton." I whisper.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update:( been busy with summer camps. 

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