Chapter 11

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* Ashton up above. Isn't he gorgi? Anyway, sorry for the late update. Been busy.

Enjoy! *

Scarlet's P.O.V

My head hurts like hell. I sit up trying to remember a few things from the night before, but trying to just hurts too much. There's a knock on the door.

"Scar?" It's Ashton. I tell him to come in. He walks in the door cautiously and looks at me with worried eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask him. The sympathetic look in his eyes is replaced by confusion. He cocks his head to the side.

"You mean...nevermind. Um, breakfast is downstairs if you want some." He closes the door quietly behind him. I stretch, go to the bathroom and try to tame the nest on the top of my hair. Then I notice it, the patch of skin darker than the rest. It looks red and purple and it's throbbing.

"What the...?" I quickly brush my teeth and run down the stairs to the kitchen where all the boys are. I lift the part of hair covering my neck.

"Would anyone like to explain how the hell this got there?" Kris grins and shrugs his shoulders, Jordan looks down at his oatmeal, and Jake just shakes his head.

"Jake? Do you know something?" He doesn't look up. "Jake?" He bursts.

"OK, fine! Jordan took you out yesterday to get you drunk, he let some guy take you to a separate room and he felt you up, kissing you and pinning you to the ground." I gasp, looking at the lot of them.

"You all knew this?" I muttered.

None of them met my eyes.

"Ashton? Did you know about this?" He looks up at me, his eyes red.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know he would do that I-"

"It could've been worse." Kris states. I look at him, knowing my face is as red as an apple.

"Please! You wanted this to happen! If it would've gone farther you would be happy, you make me sick!" I storm out of the kitchen and none of them talks as I sit on the stairs crying.

Ashton's P.O.V.

I sigh, looking at my hands. What did we do? I know that we've done worse things, but this, the look in her eyes, on her face. I didn't know I could feel something for one of the captives. It was all pretend with the others. But she's...different. her. But she probably hates me now that she knows we're all horrible people. She's so beautiful and she likes to explore the house as we sleep even though she thinks we're asleep. I can't say how she makes me feel wearing the shorts and crop top she wears to bed. I can't explain why I can't stop thinking about her. I've tried to get close to her but Jordan insisted on taking her. He knows I like her. He's just trying to get to me. But I don't even know why we started doing this in the first place.


"I bet I could get her at my house in two hours. Watch me." Kris says. He walks over to the girl in the mini skirt standing at the concession stand, she keeps glancing over here like we wouldn't notice. She's pretty, but I don't like her. I like the unique ones. Not the fake, desperate ones. Not that I'm throwing shade, but...nevermind.

"Why does he keep doing this? He's just going to hurt her in the end." Jordan says.

"You don't understand our line of work. We were raised like this." Jake says.

"Who taught you guys to hurt girls and take advantage of them? That's not being a gentleman."

"That's not what the sicko who taught us said." Jake says.

"Sicko indeed. But that doesn't explain anything." Jordan says.

"My uncle, he took us in: Me and Kris taught Ashton, but he never really got into it."


Scarlet's P.O.V.

I can't believe he set me up like that! I thought they liked me! But all they wanted was to use me like a rag doll. I get up from the stairs and walk up to the room they gave me. I take my bag from the other side of the bed and get my clothes. There's a knock on the door.

"Scarlet?" Jordan says knocking.

"Leave me alone." I say wiping excess tears. He walks in anyway and stops right outside the door.

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Shut up! Your not sorry! You guys purposely did this to me! I don't even know why I stayed her so long, maybe because I thought some nice hot guys would actually like me! I was dead wrong! Leave me alone and let me leave."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." He says, I look up too late and see the door close and hear it lock behind him.


Hey! Hoped you liked the new chapter! Took forever I know, sorry about that. Anyway, hoped you enjoyed.

Love ya!


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