⇒First deaths

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Willburs stays there his arms around my  waist.. I just love it Honstly I put my hand on his softly 'wanna sit on my lap cupcake' he said softly in my ear. I heated up nodding.. I don't now why but.. I fell the need to let him hold me.. any of them.. he picked me up placing  me on his lap.. I just make myself  comfortable and snuggle into his neck.. holding into his upper chest. His arms protectively  around mine... the girls  mother comes back.. or the teacher 'first holding hand now he's holding you? Your supposed to hold my daughter not this' she spat.

'B..bubs?' I say.

'Mmm he's mine and my friends fuck off' He said protectively.

I softly kiss his neck.. 'mine' I mubble.

I'll just go on with this.. soon the bell rings and I get off his lap.. he didn't like it very much.. I guess he likes holding me like a baby.. hm?. I actually  liked it.. hmm maybe I'll see how the rest of the group acts when I hold there hand.. I wait for Willbur to get packed up and off we went.


Willburs smiling following Dream.. 'Why you smiling..' I questioned quietly.

'He held my hand and kinda got sick of being having to forced hold a simp and just dropped the simp and climbed on my lap' Willbur said  quietly  for the group to hear.

'Instering.. you think he is catching  on to us?' Karl questioned.

'Idk maybe' Willbur said.

'Well you are fucking lucky' Sapnap muttered.

We all know he has very sexual yandersitic temptations for Dream.. and he desperately wants to just have the boy on him....

[Time skip to after  school]

It's now the the end of day.. Willburs  still fucking happy as shit over there.. he got to hold senpai.. we made sure Dream got out of the building  safe.. and then we grabed the two simps that will be six feet under soon.

'What that fuck let go of me' Sira screamed.

The other followed  suit.

We dragged them into an allyway 'you should of left senpai alone' we all said in our deep yanderstic voices.

Our eyes were red.. 'shouldn't you be pissed at Willbur? He littarly held Dream for half an hour' Aspen spat.

'Hes one of us he did it to protect his senpai' Karl snaped back.

We stabed them 'have fun in hell' Willbur spat.

And like that they were dead.. we burned there bodies and barried  the bones in the forest. 'Next time don't fuck with senpai' Sapnap spat.

After  that we all sperated  and went home to get there forsaken blood off.. I'm now in a soft pink hoodie and black shorts sitting  on my bed just doodling.. well.. more like finishing the drawing of senpai. I hear a knock on my window seeing it was Willbur. He littarly lives right by more so this is common.

I let him in 'yes Willbur' I questioned.

'Eh just bored and my preants weren't happy with me being covered in blood yet again  so I figured I'll come bother you' Willbur said falling on my bed.

I don't mine shareing a bed with him.. like I mean if we do.. and we will get senpai. Well be shareing a bed regardless.

Well thats our first elmantion⇐

My Yanderestic Hareme (D!hereme Yandere Highschool Au)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now