⇒must question

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Lunch time
I wonder  why they wanted me to met them there. I'm heading there but contestly get stoped by simps.. I push them off saying  I got places to be. And contuie  on my short walk. I get there taking a slow deep breath in and out. Opening the door. I walk in and the light turns on there all here one sitting on a desk the rest just on wall around. 'Well why did you want to met me here?' I questioned.

'We've been noticing you have been slowly getting more touchy with us so we must question do you like us?' Sapnap said looking at me.

I froze looking to the floor heating up.. I think I do? I love there soft docile touch going down me.. I like how they act with me. I fell odd when they are around me.. like butterflies in my stomch.. I am pretty  sure I am inlove with these boys.. have been for awhile.

'Yes..' I mutter embrassly.

They all smile 'well you aren't the only one clearly' Karl said walking closer to me.

I look up 'yeah.. mmm~ we all love you alot' Punz said.

Fundy walked over 'Cub we follow  you around because we're fucking inlove with you and want no harm to come to you' Fundy said kissing my cheek.

'So next questioned.. will you for real be ours' They all questioned.

'I'm willing to try' I say.

I never been in a 9 some.. never been in a relationship  in general. So this will be my first. 'Mmm~ were fine with trying with you' they all said.

Sapnap walked over picking  me up 'our little baby' he said softly.

I giggle snuggling stright into his neck. They all seemed Hella happy.. to call me theres.. honstly  I'm happy to. 'Mmm alright let's actually go to lunch  now happy in a new relationship' Techno said happily.

I nodded.. and off we went Sapnap carried  me like a baby.. and when we got there  I am on his lap.. were all eatting food.. the other simps seemed pissed.. when I finshed I just hid into my boyfriends neck.. 'mm you hate how many looking at you?' George questioned.

I nodded. Willbur and Fundy  stood up 'stop stareing at our fucking boyfriend' they growl  out.

I pear out of Sapnaps neck he's just loving this treatment.

He's ours.. finally our senpai is ours right now Mr horney is holding him closley.. hogging senpai! We're all just chilling  in the lunch.. pepole are whispering.. about how the most wanted boy. Is fucking gay for the unreasonable boys. Dream is ignoring  it fiddling with Sappys necklace. Good.. he doesn't need this bullshit. I reached across rubbing his shoulder softly before leaning  back.

All we know is Punzs and Fundys nickname so far, I'm sure he has nicknames for us all. But just hasent used em yet. 'Ay sapnap share him your fucking hogging him' Punz said kinda  annoyed.

Sapnap just chuckled 'mmm~ I know I'm hogging him but~ you have all next period, all of you I'm the only one in a different  class' Sapnap arugged back.

Dream kissed his lips softly.. making Sapnap smirk through  the kiss.. Dream was melting  into it. Soon it broke 'damn' Sapnap said softly.

Soon bell rings and Willbur jacked Dream from Sap. also Dream gave us his number that way we can text him when separated.
Happy yanderes :)⇐

My Yanderestic Hareme (D!hereme Yandere Highschool Au)[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now