⇒They.. what?

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El yanderes
Well  the yandersitic temptations is most and more.. needy.. for what now? His hand in marrgie.. and it's  not even been a year of us dating him..

'Come on I know you wanna marry him' the voices would repate..

We all have told echtoher the new temptation.. and that is it for us all..

Dream right now? Shit.. where is he? We had one class where noone was with .. Que him running to us cring followed by simps.. be was slightly  limping.. THEY DID NOT.

Dream hugged onto Techno crring.

'Sunshine what happend' Techno questioned.

... the next words made us all pissed 'th..they raped me' he said cring.

'Come on that's all they did to get you' The simp said.

I could fell venom  dripping  out of our months as we attacked.. they are bloody on the floor 'he is ours.. and you have no fucking right to rape him' We all roared.

Heads turn.. whispers  started.. GOOD.

We turn to our dirty  blond.. techno picked him off and back we went behind the certains of the stage. 'Were gonna make you fell better.. safe word..?' Sapnap said softly.

'Lime' he said.

We nodded.. and off we started.. Sapnap was busy  making out with Dream while the rest of us play the game of cover there damn hickeys  that they rudely imprinted our boyfriend.. masking there clogns and paforms. Dream seemed fine with what we were doing.. he knows we won't do anything without his promisson.. but we're fucking  pissed.. soon the make out session stop and phones went off.. we checked it.. A FUCKING VIDEO OF OUR BABY SCREAMING STOP AND THEM FORCING HIM TO MOAN AND A FUCK HIM OR THEM FUCK HIM.

'What the fuck' George screamed.

The phone dropped and Dream had a fucking break down 'Why? Why must it be me that they consently harass me.. and do this'he fucking cried out.

That made us more mad.. he doesn't deserve  this.. he may  be good looking.. but that doesn't mean he deserves this! We hold him closley.. he just had a melt  down in our embrace..

'Darling I'm so damn sorry we weren't there  to stop it' Punz said softly.

'I..it happend in the back of music.. the teacher did nothing and watched i..it happen.. and said it's my own fault for looking how I do'Dream said 'XD threw him and that's how I even got near you guys he teleported  me..'

The fuck? 'Baby look you know very well we won't do anything without your consent right.. sushh your here with us.. not the assholes..' Sapnap said.

'Thats not why I'm panicking.. I..er can get pregnant' Dream said shakeing.

'Wait.. so your worried they impregnated you Cupcake' Willbur questioned.

Dream nodded.. 'sush it will be okay.. if that's the case there's always abortion.. and well gladly pay for it okay?' Karl said running  his hand down Dreams body.

Well.. that's both good and bad.. good he can carry our children  bad.. he gets raped and he could get pregnant.. I hope to God damn  he doesn't. We show him in affection  assuring him its going to be okay.

I've said these before, this is fucked up and to who do it.. FUCK OFF THE EARTH.. thank you for listing to my short Ted talk⇐

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