⇒an Understadment

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I'm done.. he had two melt downs.. and I sware if the got my damn boyfriend pregnant before we did there dead. Well actually there dead now.. and so will be there mistake they soved into Dream.

Soon he fell asleep and Lucide appeared 'can I see him?' He questioned.

We hand dream to him he did this scan  thing. 'Good news  he's not pregnant, even better news he can't get others pregnant  either.. meaning we're all good but I still would recommend  making them dissappear' He said handing us back our baby.. 'and get matching secdules'.

We nodded and he disspered our Darling boy awakes and cuddles us  'come on  were gonna get interlocking scudles  kitten' he said.

Dream nodded and got carried by me.. and now in the principles office.. she wasent thrilled to say the least.

'What? That brat hurt my daughter' the prinple Said.

'Your daughter  and others raped him, look at the music class cameras from  12:30'  Karl said semi-calmly.

She looked at the camera and screamed in hore seeing what Karl said had been true we even watched it with her.. 'they also posted it on Twitter  isntagram  and others' Dream added.

'I'm so sorry, on behalf of my daughter.. what can  I do for you?' The princebal said.

'Reatring  order against me and her, and scudle  changed to match my boyfriends. Perferbly all of ours..' Dream requested.

'Deal.. it's fair that you don't wanna see any of them, I'll also even through in restring orders for the others  aswell, and move there classes out of yours' the principle agreed.

She totally  understood.. I guess  Dream wants them to have a second chance.. okay I guess?
Well I don't really want them to die.. sure they did rape me but they can lurean from it right? Worst case they don't and my boyfriends  go on a murderst  rampage. 'You may have the rest of the day off all of you' She added.

I smile and off we went new scudles in hand.. this time we go to Punzs his preants were happy to met me.. 'awh he's so cute' his mom said.

I was peering  out of Punzs neck. 'Why are you here though?' His dad said.

'Dream got raped.. and well the pricple gave us the day off so we can help him' Sapnap said.

'What who can to that  to such  a nice boy' they both spat.

'I rejected them because I liked Punz and his friends.. and they didn't wanna expect I was gay so they thought maybe rapping me would make me less gay?' I said quietly.

'Alright well let us know if you need anything' they said.

I get taken to Punzs room 'so darling waht can we do for you so you fell better' Punz said softly.

I just snuggle to his neck starting  I new project on his neck 'mmm well  if that's what you wanna do be our guest' Quackity said giggling.


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