Chapter 9

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Someone requested this photo so I put it up. It's mainly for book 2 and I am actually working on one for Eclipse's herd which I will most likely make my new profile picture but let's get on with the chapter :)

... POV

I only left because I needed a plan. I know I can get all of them and I will but I need to do it in one try otherwise they will get away. Today I made my plan and I'm going to get them. I'm on my horse with three others and we head down where I fell through the bushes. I can see hoofprints where the black one www scrambling to get away and it seems he went with the filly that got away. The other two went the opposite way.

"Ok let's split up," I say. Two of them go the other way and I go with one of them after the path the black one went. We follow the trails at a trot and soon we come to a point where it seems the two horses met up and continues going. Unfortunately the trails are harder to follow so we have to make sure we are still following the horses. Luckily we reach a spot where it must have recently rained before they went through and their hoofprints are deep in the mud.

Somehow I know we are close. We travel for about ten more minutes when we reach a big pile of rocks with ivy growing on it and I look around. The hoof prints stopped at the rocks like they disappeared after walking in front of the rocks. I sies mount and stand on the rocks to look for any signs that a horse walked on them but there is none. They seem out of place as if someone had recently put them here.

I walk more to the left and I notice a small opening wide enough for a horse and half to fit through. "Come over here!" I whisper shout. My partner comes over and he sees the hole. "Let's go inside," I say. "What?! There could be a bear or wolves in there." "Or horses," I say. "I don't wanna risk dying to catch a few horses," he answers. "
Fine, but I'm going in there."

He holds my horse and I walk inside. Suddenly clouds cover up the sun and I realize it is almost sun down. We should have cantered here instead of trotting. I take a deep breath before slowly walking inside, afraid of what I might find lurking in the shadows.


Eclipse's POV

I was the only one awake, I could tell. I heard noises outside and I whispered to everyone. They woke up instantly and we were prepared for whatever was waiting outside. Heart led the mares to the back and Free Spirit, me, the other stallions and Lily (the lead mare) are waiting.

Suddenly a human slowly walks into the cave and though he can't see us we can see him clearly with the light behind him. We back up quietly. "Free Spirit is there a second entrance here?" I whisper in his ear. "I don't know. Let's look," he whispers back.

As we continue backing up slowly and quietly he looks around. Hoping to find something. I can tell it's the same human from yesterday that was chasing Wild Heart and I. As we make it to the back of the cave I see a narrow slit of light. Big enough for everyone to fit through one at a time. I nod toward it and the mares start going through slowly to not nudge a rock out of place and cause an avalanche inside.

I go second to last with only Free Spirit behind me. I can barely fit through and I don't understand how the bigger horses were even able to get through. We make it outside and even though now it is dark we feel safer knowing we can run.

Suddenly without warning a rope flashes through the air landing on my neck. I panic and try to bolt. Everyone else does and I panic even more knowing I am caught. I look around for anything to help. I'm slowly sliding when I notice a tree. With all my strength I jump behind it and the man falls to his feet and is dragged a few feet. Knowing this is my chance I take off with a human sled right behind me.

He manages to never let go which surprises me. Does he want me caught this badly? Suddenly two men appear in front of me and he lets go. I jump straight in the air hoping to avoid the rope they threw and I did. Again I take off running except this time towards the herd.

I catch up to them and they look amazed that I was able to get away. I can hear the pounding of hoofbeats as we continue running. (This is where chapter five started then I wrote about what had happened a few days ago.) As we run the sky gets completely dark and it is night. We stop for a moment to discuss where to go. "I think we should go in a circle or something so we don't get lost and then after a while we can head back to the cave," Free Spirit suggests. "Ok," I say hesitantly. The plan might not work.

We go with his plan and we continue cantering away but not too far before we come back a little closer. "It's been about an hour. I think it's safe to go back," I say. Free Spirit knows the most about where to go around here so he continues leading and suddenly a rope flies out of no where landing on a horse I can't see.

I take off and try to get a glimpse of what horse it was but the horses behind me cut off my view. "We have to go back and get whoever got caught," I say. "Did you see who it was?" I ask. Free Spirit doesn't answer. "Free Spirit?!!" I practically yell. That's when I notice his face. A tiny tear drop falls to the ground and he looks at me. "It was-" but he is cut off by a sudden whinnying. Somehow they caught up to us and that's when I see it. Well, see her. Wild Heart. As she struggles against the ropes that landed neatly over her neck just moments ago.



Yes, after the calm and slightly boring chapter the excitement comes again. And with it comes... A cliffhanger!! Haha. But seriously. Until I decide what comes next chapter (which I haven't) you will be stuck with this cliffhanger. But you are probably used to it by now. Recently I have been on a big burst of inspiration but it's starting to run out. Well enjoy this chapter because the next one won't be for probably a while. After this A/N I am gonna work on a picture for everyone one in Eclipse's herd. I will put that up with the next update. Sorry if I ruin any visuals. That happens a lot for me because usually you like the way your mind pictures it better than the actual picture. Well anyway goodbye for now and I'm gonna go work on that right now. Bye my dear readers. :D

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