Chapter 14

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Rusty's POV (Special Edition)

Remember that time when my magic went floating away? I found it again the next day. When I found it I ran away hoping that it wasn't someone that had been controlling it. I ran several miles away. This is me now.

I'm still watching Eclipse in his cave. He has been living a normal life for six months since the fire. I'm still not sure why I haven't done anything to it. I think my plan is to have him think he is safe and then one day -at the right time- I will completely ruin his life. Totally. Maybe having something to do with his sweet Wild Heart. He definitely loves her. I pause a minute to think about the first -and only- horse I liked. Strawberry. I don't even know what happened to her. Wait I have an idea. I switch from looking at Eclipse to looking at her.

She is all alone. Then a horse that I don't know comes from behind a tree. She has managed to survive by finding another horse who must have "adopted" her. I close my eyes and imagine a line pulling her to me. I squeeze my eyes shut harder. Imagining pulling it. "What the-?" My eyes pop open. I see Strawberry (who has grown up a lot since I last saw her in person) who is looking around as if she is in a dream or she is crazy.

She looks at me. "Rusty, how did this happen? Where is Maria?" "Oh one second." I close my eyes imagining the same line to bring "Maria" here too. Then Maria is standing next to Strawberry with the same look that Strawberry had. "Wait who are you?" "I'm Rusty. Strawberry and I used to be friends." "Oh. How did we get here?" "It's hard to explain. But you guys are going to be living with me now." "Ok..." They both say. "How far did you bring us?" "A long way."

Suddenly I heard a thundering of many animals it sounds like coming toward us. I can feel my fear coming trickling out. My voice shakes. "We have to go now! Follow me!" I take off and they run after me. "What is it?" I look behind me. "The herd."

Sneak Peek For Original

(No POV) They had been doing well. They had come up with a plan. They were putting the plan into action but someone has to stay back with Sunrise. Sunrise couldn't believe it had been almost a year since she'd seen Eclipse and she wished he could've been here because she was a few months pregnant with Charm's foal. Cheyenne stayed back with her because they were still close friends and they needed the rest of the herd to overrun Rusty. She hoped they would be able to somehow get the magic from Rusty and get Eclipse back. She wanted him to be there when it was born.

Back To Eclipse. (Now that you're confused and maybe excited)
Six Months (Of Regular Life) Later For Eclipse And His Herd

Eclipse's POV

Nothing exciting has happened since the fire. But by exciting I mean humans capturing someone. Me having to free horses. A forest fire. It's been a normal half year. The forest however, didn't take the fire very well. The only thing we have are hundreds, thousands, maybe of black sticks straight up that used to be trees. And black ground where there used to be grass. Somehow there is still a big field of grass in front of our cave and through the back door. That's almost the only way we have survived. I can't wait for there to be somewhere to hide and something to look green. That won't be for a long time though.

Every day Wild Heart and I walk by the ocean where the herd and I came from. She knows my whole past besides the magic and shifter part, but she hasn't really told me of her past much. A lot has happened without anything really happening in six months. This may sound like it makes no sense but a lot of stuff has happened between me and Wild Heart. Our cave is a lot safer now. We found a new group of apple trees that somehow survived the fire. But at the same time nothing major has happened and it's perfect. I can't help but feel a bad feeling about something coming.

Recently I felt a tingle for a moment but then it left and I have felt unfamiliar feelings like this several times. I think I might be able to shift soon. Maybe Rusty's powers are wearing off without him knowing.

Right now Wild Heart and I are walking on the beach. "Have you ever thought about having foals?" She asks. "Yes, why?" "Just wondering. I used to always think of the horse I would end up with." Our eyes meet. "Maybe I have." I open my mouth to say something but I don't know what to say and I don't want to ruin the moment.

She looks away and I still don't know what to say. She starts walking again and I walk with her. "So about your sister, Sunrise. I know you miss her. Have you ever thought that maybe you would see her again?" "I think about it every day but I don't think it will ever happen." She looks at me again. "Why not? I think it's possible." I look back at her. "But how? I'm not gonna be able to get another boat to go back to where I came from. I don't even know where I came from!"

"That doesn't matter. You can always get back to where you came from." We continue walking in silence and suddenly at the same time we realize how late it is. "We need to get back." She nods and we turn to the right to go back up the hill toward out cave. Unfortunately the dark wasn't only from the night. It is from a storm and sudden lightning bolts are our light to get back. But with the lightning comes rain. Hard rain. And we are completely soaked. Suddenly something steps in our path. I stop. "Who are you?" I ask. I'm pretty sure it's a horse. "Oh Eclipse you know who I am." Another flash of lightning comes lighting up the whole sky to reveal who it is. Rusty.


A/N Cliffhanger. 1078 words. I'm surprised I was able to write this all when I had absolutely no idea what was gonna happen. I just really hope I didn't rush this book. I don't know if I said this already but there will be a fourth book. Tomorrow I will gone the whole day at an amusement park I guess you could call it. I've never been to one before and I'm going with youth from my church. Well hope you liked this chapter. I know how the next chapter will start but I don't know much about how the rest will go. It might be a little while before the next chapter. Again I don't know ANYTHING about my other books. Probably the next chapter will be for The Only and maybe Wolf Heart. Bye everyone. I'm gonna go eat dinner now. :)

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