Chapter 3

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The sun has barely risen when I am awoken. I am surrounded by people and suddenly something pokes me. I pass out instantly.


When I wake up and I am being carried onto a boat by a smaller boat. I am lifted off of the smaller one and lowered onto the bigger one. I stand up and humans lead me into a house. In the house are stalls for horses. All of the stalls have a horse except one.

As I'm lead into the stall I look at all the horses. They all seem bossy and rude and I doubt any are friendly. Unfortunately there isn't anyone to talk to or anything to do while on this boat and it is boring. No windows either.

I think back to when Rusty sent me here. My thoughts are interrupted when someone brings us food. Yay food. I eat it all quickly and am disappointed when it is all gone. Of course the only thing I can do is sleep so that's what I do.

Every day on here I sleep for about 20 hours out of 24 in the day. The other hours are to eat and drink. So finally after about a month I am full of energy, but I am unable to get out of this stall.

One day when I am taking a nap I am woken by some huge unexplainable bump. Huge waves of water roll into our stalls. Everyone is panicking and all the humans are screaming. One humans runs by all of our stalls unlocking the doors to let us out. A few others try to lead us up out of the barn area but a huge wave comes down. We are trapped and soon the water will fill up the room.

Another strong wave comes and knocks everyone down. The water starts to come in more rapidly and I look around in a hurry. We will all die if we don't find an escape.... quickly. Something catches my eye. A hole on the side of the boat. Very small yet big enough for smaller horses to fit through. I call all of the horses over to the hole. There are about 24 horses including me. Only 9 are able to fit through. I try to squeeze through but my back is too big. I'm stuck with the others.

There are about 15 horses left and 6 humans. The humans slip through the hole, abandoning all of the horses. When the water comes up to my nose I start to panic even more. Looking at the other horses, I tell them my plan. "We are going to go out the door to the barn," I say. ""If we survive we are going to try to find land or anything to go to. I hope I will be able to see everyone of you after." Knowing that they will follow me I swim over to the exit.

Swimming up is the hard part, and then being able to find an area to stand. After I am out a dun, bay, and flea-bitten gray are next to come out. I believe we will be able to make it out. But then a sinking feeling appears in my stomach. About 11 more horses will have to make it out in a minute and a half or less. Horses are not known for being able to hold their breaths long and the water was only about a foot from reaching the top when I left.

I watch more horses come out. I'm terrified of what will happen. Two more horses are out. We only have about 50 seconds left. So far 7 are out and 8 are left. The water has completely reached the top is getting higher on my legs. Now it will take longer for each horse to get out. I watch in horror as with about 20 seconds left the fifth to last horse gets out. That's 11 horses out. It takes about 15 seconds for each horse to get out. Now 12.

"Come on!" I scream to the others. When the third to last is swimming up he is only inches from the surface but it rises a little more and he sinks. "No!" I scream. The others have seconds left before their time is up. I watch as they struggle to breathe and then as they slowly sink down. The last three horses are dead. I turn to my herd with me. They are all crying but three (including the last one to get out) are absolutely devastated.

The last to get out starts taking, "One of them was my mate, he told me to go first. He was supposed to go next but he let me go so I could live!" She breaks down in tears and we all try to comfort her. The other two were related to the other two horses who died. I remember going through that. When Sunrise died. When I thought my herd was going to die as ice sculptures. The pain, the despair, the thought that you would never see the person again is almost too much to bear. Every day you wonder how you keep going. But I have learned that hope. Hope. Is the thing that gets you through it.



Sorry, didn't mean for it to be sad. Just ended up that way. I'm also sorry that I never update anymore. I guess it's because I keep coming up with ideas for books and then I add them to my writing area and then I just get overwhelmed with all the books so I just don't write. Anyway hope you liked the chapter. Bye for now! :) Oh by the way I almost have 10,000 reads on my first book! Thanks so much everyone! I know most are just from the first chapter but I love all you guys who stick with me and read every chapter! Bye again!

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