Chapter 16

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Hello everyone. I am making new covers for The Life Of A Horse series. Above is the new cover for book 1 and if you like it then please comment if you would like a cover similar to that for the rest of the series. Thank you! Now on to the chapter.

Eclipse's POV

"Hey." I jump and turn around. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." I relax realizing it's only Wild Heart. "It's fine. I didn't know you were coming." She smiles. "What are you doing out here anyway?" "Just... Looking around." "What are you actually doing out here?" She asks again. She knows I'm lying.

I turn to look at her. "I'm going to be able to see my family again." "How?" She asks. "If I could tell you, I would." "Why can't you? You can trust me with anything. I won't tell anyone and I would never leave you no matter what." "Maybe I can tell you one day."

She doesn't understand. She never will. She isn't a shifter. I pause. But I could make her one. I'm tempted to take a step and touch her with my hoof but I know it isn't the right time. I will make her one when it is.


Wild Heart's POV

What isn't he telling me? He doesn't know my secret. So maybe he doesn't want me to know his. That's what it is, she tells me. She knows me better than I know myself but she is part of me, I guess.

Eclipse and I start walking back toward where we are staying until the water leaves the cave which won't be for a while. That was a lot of water that went into the cave and it will have to slowly evaporate.

As we walk in silence I can't help but use my powers. 'When would be the right time to make her a horse shifter though? And when I do how can I tell her that I made her into one?' Woah, woah, woah. He is making me into a shifter? Doesn't he realize that would take away my powers?

I need to either tell him or not let him touch me. I can't lose my powers. I won't be able to get them back. But when can I tell him? As soon as possible is the best time, she tells me. I can't help but agree with her even though I wish I wouldn't have to tell him.

You are probably confused now so I'm giving you time to let it sink in while reading about Dakota's herd.

Rusty's POV

I'm pacing around my closed in area in the herd's cave. I need to know what happened to my powers. I've been caught for two days and I am wondering what happened to Strawberry and what was her name? Mary, Mercy, Maria? How can I get my powers back?

"Search time!" Dakota yells. Every day at the same time they go on some dumb search to find the magic that they obviously will never find. They only ones who stay back are Sunrise and Cheyenne.

I stop my pacing to look through the cracks of the wall of rocks that they trapped me behind. I see Sunrise with tears in her eyes and Cheyenne comforting her. "It's ok. They're going to find the magic to get Eclipse back." I hear her say. Good luck. I roll my eyes and continue pacing.

At noon which is the time I think they come back every day, I see Sunrise and Cheyenne stand up. There is a rock in the way of what they are looking at. "I swear we aren't doing anything!" I hear a familiar voice say. I take a moment to think where I know that voice. When I recognize the voice I jump up. "Strawberry!"

"Rusty?!" "Shut up! Shut up!" Dakota yells. "No talking!" I move to look through a different crack and I see Strawberry and Maria. I remember her name now. Strawberry looks sad. "Now. What are you doing with Rusty?" "Nothing! I swear! I was living life with my mom, Maria, and then one day we appear right next to Rusty. I have no idea how it happened." They don't know about shifters and magic.

Dakota and Magic look at each other. I still hate him for who he is. Max is still my father. Was. "Then one day he told me to hide with him. And we were hiding when suddenly some blob of who-knows-what flew into the air and he chased it. Which got him caught," Strawberry continues.

"Wait so you'd don't know about horse shifters or his magic? Or the fact that he took MY son and sent him to some island and wouldn't bring him back?" Dakota is annoyed now and Strawberry has a confused face. "What? What are you talking about?" "Don't bother," Magic says.

Strawberry is still confused and is asking everyone questions, but no one answers. "What do you think?" Charm asks. "With Rusty? Or let them go?" "Rusty. We can't let them go yet." Dakota answers. "But we don't know anything!" Strawberry says. "It doesn't matter. We can't let anything distract us from our search."

Within moments an opening is made through the rock wall and Maria and Strawberry are shoved in with me. "You really had to get caught didn't you?" I say angrily. Strawberry looks surprised that I said that. "Oh come on you should've tried to save me at least." "I'm we didn't even know what happened to you or where you were. So don't get an attitude about us, when you shouldn't have been stupid enough to get caught." I roll my eyes and go to the opposite side of our area behind the rock wall.

"Well our search was ruined so let's just be done," Dakota says through a sigh. They give us out lunch through a hole in the wall and as we eat it, I can't help but wonder what Eclipse, apparently my half brother, is doing.


Eclipse POV

When we get to the herd everyone is awake and confused as to why we were gone. "Let's see if the cave water has gone down a little." We all go down the hill and the little ways to the cave where, not surprisingly, the water is still very high. We only gave it about one day.

The sun is rising by the time we get back and I don't know what to do. I have powers but I can't tell the herd. I want to make Wild Heart a shifter but it isn't the time. Wait a second. Maybe it is. I step over to her prepared for what I'm about to do. She sees me right next to her trying to touch her and when I reach out with my eyes closed picturing my human form, she isn't there. I open my eyes confused to see she backed away a few steps.

Why is she backing away from me? Maybe it looks creepy and she is suspicious of what I'm doing. Ok, I won't make it as obvious. She comes closer again and I close my eyes and slowly reach toward her. But she still moved away. Whatever, I will try later when she has forgotten about it.

When the sun is fully up, and surprisingly the herd is asleep except for a few, I notice it. It's him again. He's following me. He moves a step over to make himself noticed. When he makes his way toward me, away from the trees, that's when I notice that it IS him. Seriously, actually, him this time. Rusty.



1285 words. What do you think of the cover? If you guys like it then I will make one for the third book. So, I have a question for everyone. (Please comment) I have book four planned out and they will be wild for the whole book from what I plan. The question I want to ask is do you want them to be caught? What I'n trying to say is, for this book and the next do you want them to be caught at all? Or to be free? I was reading the first book a little and I like he storyline of just horses and no horse shifter and I like it so I might remove the magic in the fifth book. (Yes I have a storyline) The fourth book has a big storyline around magic but do you like the magic or not? Well sorry I'm probably annoying you with all the questions and the long auhor's note so bye! :) Remember please comment because I always feel motivated to write when people comment. And I would like answers. Thankyou! :D

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