Chapter 4

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Before I start if you all read about the bird it is eating and everything so all it needs to do is recover. Thanks lil_demmler for giving me ideas with it. Anyways let's start the chapter.


We turn away from the barn sadly. Their lives will not be a waste, we will get to the land to honor them. We swim over to a higher point of the boat where we can stand. "The boat was headed that way and it's gonna be going to land so we should go that way," I suggest. Everyone agrees and we all catch our breaths before jumping in.

There's a good chance we somehow wrecked in the middle of the ocean and that we are miles from land. If that's the case then there is not even a 1% chance one of us could make it. But we can't think like that. We have to keep going no matter what. Wait what happened to the humans? They must be gone or dead. I look around and I see no one.

"Come on guys. Let's go," I say. We start swimming and after what feels like hours, two of the oldest are getting tired. "Don't give up guys come on!" I say. I need to encourage them to keep swimming. Suddenly something catches me eye. "Oh my gosh it's land!" One of the horses shouts. I start to guess how far away it is. Maybe 200 yards. I swallow a lump in my throat and start swimming faster. The two oldest a mare and stallion are starting to breathe really hard. The mare looks at what must be her grown up foal and says, "I'm not going to make it. I love you Honey." "No Mom, please keep on you can make it," the foal says. "No I can't I love you, make it to land and live for both of us." She starts to swim very fast as if giving a last burst of energy and then slowly sinks. Her foal screams and starts sobbing uncontrollably. "Nooooooo."

We have no other choice but to keep swimming. We have gone almost 100 yards when the older stallion gives up and loses the fight. As he sinks down we keep going. There is nothing we can do and even though we are managing to hold our feelings for the moment I know that inside there is a storm building up waiting to be let out when we reach shore. "Wait! Wait for me!"

We look behind us to see a black colt struggling in the water. He swims toward us. "I was one of the horses who could get out of the small hole but the others went the other way and I couldn't find them. I have been following you and I finally came within heading range of you." The other way. Oh my gosh. There was no land at the other way. All of those horses died. Unless they managed to find the humans.

We don't say a word and he doesn't answer but just continue struggling to stay afloat. When we reach land we all collapse, exhausted. I instantly fall asleep and I'm sure the others did too.


When I wake up most of the others are still sleeping, but I wake them up. If we are to survive here we will need eachother and if we do that then we will need to trust eachother. We need to start earning our trust right now and we will start with our names. Back stories and other stuff will come later. After everyone is awake we stand in a circle. I decide to start with myself because I seem to be the leader here.

"My name is Eclipse. I am two years old and was seperated from my herd and my family. As the foal of the leaders leadership is in my blood and I believe I am the leader of this "herd"."

Everyone nods and we start with the next horse's name. We go through all of the 10 (11 if you count me) horses' names.

Buttercup a palomino mare 6 y.o.
Daughter of mare who drown

Star a bay stallion 3 y.o.
Relative of one horse who died

Moonlight a black pinto mare 5 y.o.

Thunder a grulla stallion 3 y.o.

Black Star the black colt with a white star and one white stocking almost 2 y.o.

Calinka a bay mare 4 y.o.
Last horse out. Mate died to let her go first

Hawk a bay pinto stallion 4 y.o.
Relative of one horse who died

Arrow a black pinto colt 1 y.o.

Day Lily a rose dun mare 3 y.o.

Niagara a white mare 5 y.o.

Suddenly a voice makes us all jump

"Well look at this! I haven't seen a wild horse in years!" I step forward. "Who are you?" I ask. "Name's Free Spirit." The buckskin stallion's rugged coat shows it hasn't been brushed in many years. "Are you wild and formerly trained?" I ask. "Yeah I wasn't completely trained. That's why I got my name. They couldn't break me."

"Break?" The word sounded terrible. As if they crush someone's soul. "Their word for tame or train. Anyway I was able to escape about five years ago. One mare I miss badly though. Heart. I sneak to the barn sometimes. I got her pregnant a little over two years ago. Her filly's about your age. I think they named it Wild Heart. I suspect they know I'm the sire."

We all stare at him confused as to why he is telling us this. "Ok... well bye then!" He turns to gallop away. "Wait!" I call after him. But he is gone. Mysteriously. I turn back to the herd. "Well I believe this is just the beginning. Let's have a vote for who should be lead mare. No voting for yourself." The vote easily makes Day Lily lead mare and as leaders we turn away to talk business. "Day Lily-" She cuts me off, "Call me Lily." "Ok Lily what can we do to protect our new herd?"



So what do you think? My favorite horse in the herd is probably Black Star or Day Lily. Even though he isn't in the herd I really love Free Spirit. Well anyway it's like 1:00 in the morning so I am going to go to sleep. I am really happy with this chapter and if you think I should change some of the names then please let me know and I will most likely gladly change it. These names I thought of in about 20 minutes or less so please enjoy. Love you guys! And I will try to update soon but I have all of my other books to update first so it will be a while. Goodnight my dear readers, love you!

The Life Of A Horse 3-Eclipse's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now