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I have many things to cover in this so I'm just gonna start.

Ok so I'm sure you are all annoyed by how many Author's Notes there are but I promise this one is important. Let's start with bad news.

:Fourth Book:
Ok let's start with this. I was starting to think of a plot for a fourth book in this series. I even had one thought out but then as I was digging deeper I realized that this storyline would bore everyone and that it was pretty much the same thing as this one except with a different background so now I can confirm no fourth book for now unless I think of a better one. I would be overjoyed if you guys thought of some ideas because mine always end up having everyone in the story be caught then escape and then caught and then escape (and someone did tell me that they were getting bored of this) so unless I can think of a good back story then there will be NO fourth book. This fourth book is pretty much depending on you. If you do think of a storyline then it can't be something like "Oh I think Eclipse should fall in love with this horse that ends up being a horse shifter and then they have babies" because that could be like one chapter or two at the most.

However there is something else I need to talk about. I have been getting a bunch of comments telling me how great of a writer I am and how I should never stop writing. Thankyou very much guys! I really appreciate the support. Because of this I have been thinking of something that some of you might like. I think I might start drawing the horses from my book(s). Maybe even outside of the Life Of A Horse series. If you guys think I should then please comment telling me what you think. (Please remember that my drawing is not stick horses and I will put my best effort into drawing. Plus I'm not that bad at drawing horses. :D)

:New Story:
Ok another thing is I have breyer horses that I used to always play with. My friend and I have a great story line that I think could be made into a book! Don't worry if I do write this book then it will not take time from my other books because I know what I'm going to write in every chapter if I write it. I would only write in it if I didn't know what to write in any of my books. (Such as right now)

Right now I am in Florida so I haven't really been an my ipod at all. But before I left I started a bonus chapter for this book so I'm going to finish that in a minute. I have no idea what to write in any of my books right now. I tried to start writing in A Shifter's Secrets but my mind went blank so that will take a while for an update. Also The Broken Hearted Horse I know what the ending is gonna be but the road there is a bit bumpy and unsteady. Still not sure what to write there. If any of you read those then please give me advice on what to write. I will give a shout out if you do! :)

Just so you know, I will never give up on this book. This was my first series/book I wrote and I'm rally excited with the outcome on it. To be honest I was expecting about 10 reads when I started it and look how far I've gotten. Thankyou so much to those who have stuck with me through my very many mistakes as a writer. I can't tell you enough how much you mean to me. There was something else I was gonna say but I can't remember so I will put it into a later A/N. Thanks again guys. See ya later. :)

The Life Of A Horse 3-Eclipse's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now