Chapter 10

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This was gonna be out earlier but I changed it a little. But it was supposed to be out pretty late last night so you probably wouldn't have read it. I can't remember if I said this but I changed the plot from what it was supposed to be when I started it. It was supposed to have Eclipse be a royal horse like the cover but I'm gonna change it to fit the book. I will decide it in a little bit. Enjoy the chapter! :)
I start to run to her but Free Spirit stops me. "We have to go." I keep struggling until I realize that they are getting closer. I turn around and start galloping. Wild Heart whinnies after me, saying, "Don't worry about me. Just run for now and get me later." As we run in a group I realize that I'm slowly becoming the horse in the back. When I realize why I'm doing it, it all makes sense. I'm not supposed to follow the advice of the others. I never was one to follow rules anyway.

I turn around and when they throw a rope at me I dodge it and keep coming at them. Free Spirit just now noticed I'm gone and screams at me. I ignore him and jump at the ropes someone is holding attached to Wild Heart. A horse jumping on a rope is a lot of weight. When I come down on the rope it falls out of his hand and Wild Heart takes off.
Unfortunately jumping on a rope pretty high in the air causes me to trip and I fall. I get up within a second and continuing running the opposite direction. The humans must now choose between two yearlings or 11 horses. My guess is that they will go after the eleven horses and come back for us later. But maybe they will send one person after us. I'm not gonna take the chance.

I catch up to Wild Heart and I can see she is being careful of her rope trailing behind her. "Hey," I say. "That was stupid what you did. Very,very stupid. It's not worth it if you get caught and don't free me." "Well that didn't happen, did it?" She rolls her eyes and looks at me. "And you think that isn't gonna happen the next time you try it?" "I'm hoping there won't be a next time."
I realize her change of attitude. She doesn't seem shy anymore. I like her new personality. We start cantering, watching out for anyone behind us or in front of us.

As we canter along we soon realize that we have no idea where we are. "Oh no," I say. "What is it?" Wild Heart asks. "I don't know where we are." She doesn't answer and I stop to look for anything familiar. Suddenly I see a path that has a familiar tree on the other side. I remember it because a little ways up it seperates into two trees and then about two feet of split tree it curves back to meet the other and it continues growing as a normal tree.

"I recognize this," I say. Wild Heart is silent and we continue cantering. Suddenly she lets out a sharp cry of pain. "What?!" I ask. "There's a thorn bush here and I cut my leg on it. But my rope got all entwined in it." I look at it carefully. "Ok I'm gonna get it out." She looks at me as if I'm crazy to put my hoof in a thorn bush and maybe I am but if I don't then we will be caught.

I shove my hoof down towards the rope trying not to think how nice it would be to have fingers right now. I try not to cry out because that will attract the humans but I can't help it. A strange noise almost like a yelp comes out of me and I feel blood drip down my leg. "Eclipse oh my gosh!" Wild Heart says.

Suddenly a rope lands over my head and the person responsible grabs Wild Heart's. "Well aren't you a tough, sneaky little group of horses?" I look at him scared to death. It is the man from the bushes the night we freed Heart and Wild Heart and he is even scarier when I see him closer. I shiver, though it isn't cold. His scary face is replaced by a concerned one as he sees my leg in the bush along with Wild Heart's rope. It's safe to say that I completely wasted shoving my hoof down there.

He grabs some sort of tool and cuts the bush away. What person brings a tool like that around with them? A crazy person, that's who. After retrieving her rope and freeing my wounded, bleeding leg; he continues on. Thankfully he decided to help my leg by cutting away some fabric from his shirt and tying it around my leg.

I watch my leg as I am led away. The fabric becomes red soon, but he doesn't notice. The pain comes after and then the limp. Biggest regrets? That has to be on the top five for sure. We don't have to walk as far as I thought I would. We stop at what I'm guessing is a meeting place to get reunited with the other three who came with him. He makes a fire and I suddenly realize how dark it is. Soon enough the others come along. I look to see if they caught any horses and I am greeted by the faces of Day Lily and Black Star.



Sorry that it wasn't long. Next chapter will be fun though. If not then the next after that. I'm excited for later in this book. So many surprises and a bunch of excitement. You are probably annoyed by now, saying, "how typical. They got caught in a thorn bush and the human took them." Sorry about that but it had to happen. And I'm sure next chapter (or the one after that) will make up for it. Well goodbye for now. Goodnight my dear readers. Love you. :)

The Life Of A Horse 3-Eclipse's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now