Chapter 6

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Today is the day. Well technically night. I'm waiting at the meeting spot for Free Spirit to come and while I stand here I think over the plan. I will sneak into the barn while Free Spirit keeps watch. But the barn will probably be locked. In that case we will go to their stalls (because he has them memorized) and we will kick down the back doors. The kicking will be loud so we will have to take off and since they are in seperate barns we might have to leave one behind. But if we do the kicking plan then we will go to the right stalls and then we will kick down the two stalls together. So I will kick down Wild Heart's and he will kick down Heart's or whatever her name is.

My thoughts are cut off by Free Spirit's voice, "Ready to go?" "Yep!" I say. He starts walking and I follow after him. We stop behind a tree and look out into the land of the humans. "Let's go." We start with our original plan to walk into the barn. When we get to the first one it is locked. We walk to the second one where Wild Heart is and it is locked. "Ok let's go to plan B," he says. He leads me to Wild Heart's stall, "Ok this is hers. When you hear a loud kicking noise from across the yard then you start kicking down the door. Ok?" I nod and he trots off to the right stall. After watching him leave I look at the wood that will be kicked down in just a few moments. I try to keep myself quiet and that's when I notice how quiet it is. No noise from the other side.

Suddenly I hear a loud crack from across the yard. My signal. I turn around and do the same. With four kicks the wood falls down and I jump in the stall. But there is nothing. No horse peacefully sleeping. Just nothing. This is not going to work. I think about leaving but then I feel the need to be the hero.

I break the stall door and run down the hall of the barn frantically looking for a small horse that might look like Free Spirit. When I find the one I break down the door and jump in the stall with it. "Are you Wild Heart?" "Yes," she whispers. "Please don't hurt me." "I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to free you." Her eyes light up a bit, "Really?" At that moment I notice her beauty. The perfection of her lightly golden coat and how the light shines off of it. I always wanted to be dun colored if I couldn't be black but I ended up being black so I was happy. Suddenly a human voice booms down the barn, "Who's there?" "Oh no," I whisper. Wild Heart's sad, frightened eyes look up at me and I take off down the corridor headed to the stall I broke in from. With Wild Heart right behind me, I make a sharp turn into the stall and then another sharp turn to the right, headed towards Free Spirit and Heart. With the human not far behind we run into the shadows narrowly evading capture. I see Free Spirit and Heart as they run deeper in the woods and we take off after them.

"Is that my mom?" Wild Heart asks. "Yes, and your father. I made a deal to him that if I free you two then my herd and I could get his cave. But now I'm starting to think you should live in the cave with us." We stop when Free Spirit and Heart do. "I can't believe you did that," Heart says. (A/N for a little while I thought about making this Heart and the other Heart the same person and Wild Heart be the other Heart's daughter but I decided against it. You're welcome)

"Well I made a deal with him to get you two free for my cave." "No," I cut in. "You get to live in the cave with us." Free Spirit looks at me confused and I just smile back and then I look at Wild Heart. He seems to understand what I'm getting at so he just smiled back. I guess we both have people we love and people we care for. "Well I guess we should get back to the herd now." Heart and Wild Heart don't say anything, they just follow.

Suddenly something pushed through the bush behind us and we turn to look. Of course nothing could go right for us tonight. Because the face we see that fell through the bushes is the human.



Aha a cliffhanger. I thought about letting them be happy but that would be too easy. Besides I'm known for cliffhangers and surprises. So surprise surprise look how it ended. Thankfully I have been wanting to update my books so this only took six days between updates. Yay well goodnight. I'm tired and I want to go to bed. Goodnight my dear readers :) P.S. Sorry it's short :(

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