Chapter 1

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A Month Later

Eclipse's POV

As I lay on the ground I look up at the sky before turning to Sunrise. "Look!" I say. She looks up at the sky as a shooting star goes by and smiles. She closes her eyes and I close mine too, to make a wish. Only, I can't make a wish. I have everything I want. I wish I could live happily ever after, I say knowing it won't ever happen.

I look at Sunrise again and she smiles. I smile back. We have become closer ever since I brought her back. Our whole herd has been closer actually. Charm and Sunrise have been really close and he's like a brother to me now. The whole herd respects me, even my parents.

That night I came back with Sunrise we moved away to better land. Here we live in a huge forest clearing with a river and small waterfall. My favorite part is the apple trees growing around. My wish has already come true. I have my happily ever after. Sunrise and I are laying down on the small hill, our favorite spot. We like to call it Memory Hill.

"Sunrise, how old are you?" I ask. "About two and a half years," she answers. That's right because I'm about two years. "Eclipse, I'm going to go to sleep now," Sunrise says. I get up without answering. All of the horses are going to sleep but I go over to get a drink from the river and an apple or two. after drinking I eat two apples and bring an extra for Sunrise.

I lay the apple down beside her and she eats it before going back to sleep. I lay down beside her again before asking myself the same questions I have been asking myself for awhile. Where did Rusty go? What will he do? Is he going to come back and kill us?

I know that he won't go without revenge for us killing his mother. I feel my power surge through me. I've noticed that when I'm angry or nervous I can feel it. I look over at Secret. The one who helped me discover my power. I owe her my life and probably the whole herd's. I sigh before relaxing and drifting off.


Eclipse you have to listen to me. If you don't we will all die. Confused, I look at her, it's Sunrise. What? I ask. Rusty, he's gonna be back, I know it. If you don't listen he will kill us all. She looks behind her nervously before screaming. Eclipse! Help me! No! I scream after her but I've seemed to become weak and unable to move. No I scream. He grabs Dakota and Sunrise. Choose now or else I will choose for you, and my choice will be one of them and you. My face goes pale. This can't be happening. Suddenly Secret jumps in between us. No you-

I wake up with a start and my heart is racing. I look around and it's not what I thought, but instead I see everyone sleeping still and the sun is just peeking over the horizon. Thank gosh it was just a dream. I collapse back down before going back to sleep. I hear a familiar voice in my head. Everything is not what it seems.



So I'm sorry I didn't get it out earlier but I have been too obsessed with a tv show Arrow. So when I go to bed I'm watching YouTube of scenes from Arrow instead of writing chapters. And I have been sad lately because since I got a new kitten a few months ago we won't be able to decorate the Christmas tree with ornaments because we think she will break them all. And decorating the tree is my favorite part of Christmas besides my family coming over. So I guess the cat is ruining my Christmas but I love her. Anyway in Eclipse's dream I stole the "choose" idea from Arrow. And the last line when I wrote it I thought of Wizards of Waverly Place, lol. Well I believe that I can go watch an episode of Arrow on Netflix. So goodbye and goodnight my dear readers. Oh I almost forgot. Being the evil person that I am I said that I was gonna kill Magic but I AM NOT GOING TO KILL MAGIC because then that would take the attention off of the whole storyline I have, so no need to stress over that. The only reason I said that is because I was wondering how the person could possibly forget about Magic because he was so important in the first book. Anyway now that that's all clear Ima go. Here I come Arrow!

The Life Of A Horse 3-Eclipse's AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now