Chapter 21

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Before I start I want to say that this update was supposed to come a few days after the last chapter but other things happened and it's coming now. (I don't even know how long it's been because the new updates stop me from seeing the date it was written) Well guys enjoy the chapter! And sorry :(

Heart and Free Spirit back away from the bodies, afraid of what is happening. Eclipse and Wild Heart's bodies (that are now just glowing outlines of amber) rise higher and higher but suddenly stop. They lower down and when they reach the ground they slowly fade in their glow. After all the amber has disappeared their bodies seems unlively. They seem discolored. But suddenly color seems to return and they are jolted to their feet.

Wild Heart falls back down and Eclipse, having been dead for only about twenty minutes, runs to her. Heart and Free Spirit are awestruck, unable to say words. "How-how are you... alive?" They ask in unison.

Eclipse's POV

I close my eyes remembering the vision that came to me when I was dead. Half of the Amber supposed to be in her dead body was in mine. When I died the Amber came together almost like electricity. A plug put into an outlet. Just like the lights turn on we came back to life. But now she isn't alive. Or is she?

Suddenly she takes in a big breath of air and opens her eyes. "Wild Heart!" I say in happiness and excitement. She stands up slowly and we look at her parents. "It's- it's...They're perfect!" Heart says. "I knew it! I knew you would come back alive!" We turn to see who spoke and we see Black Star, smiling excitedly.


After explaining everything from my herd to my death to Heart, Free Spirit, and Black Star, we find the herd and head back to the cave. Apparently Wild Heart had the same 'vision' thing that I did. I still can't believe that she is back. She was gone for only two days but it felt like an eternity.

When we are back at the cave I tell all the horses that I need to tell them something. As they all circle around me to listen, I tell them, "I can't stay here any longer. I have a herd back home that I have to return to, but I can't get you guys back to your home. I wish I had a choice, but I don't. The only people I can take back are Heart, Free Spirit, Black Star, and Wild Heart. But only if they want to come."

Wild Heart looks at me and then her family. "We don't have a life here any more. Please Mom, Dad?" They nod together. "Black Star?" I ask looking at him. "Yeah, of course," he says.

"When do you have to leave?" Lily asks. "Tomorrow." The rest of the herd looks at me sadly.

We all eat our last meal with all of us together and then we go to bed. I can tell Wild Heart is having trouble sleeping, so I walk to her. "Come with me," I say.

She looks at me, hesitates for a second, but follows. We walk down to the beach where we used to always spend time together. "We're mates. Why did you never tell me?"

"In case something ever happened to me, you would live."

"But if I hadn't know we were mates and you were a horse shifter we could never have made a family together."

"I was going to tell you sometime, I just, had to think how to tell you. And I was afraid."

I don't answer and we sit in silence. After a minute or so of this I break the quiet, "Do you actually want to come with me?" "Eclipse, yes," she says. "I want to go as soon as possible." "We have to wait until morning," I answer. I look up at the starry sky and see the moon, almost full.

Wild Heart and I look into eachother's eyes. "Would you ever want kids?" She asks. "I want them now," I say. We laugh and look over the ocean. The moonlight is reflected off the water and I can feel myself drifting off to sleep.


When I wake up I can feel something is wrong instantly. Even though everything looks like it should I can still feel something odd. "Wild Heart wake up." I wake her up and she looks at me strangely, "What's wrong?" She asks. "Something's off. I can just sense it."

We head back to the cave and when we step inside, I know why. "Where are they?!" I ask. Missing from the cave are Buttercup, Thunder, Calinka, Hawk, Moonlight, and Arrow (who Moonlight sort of adopted as her son).

Lily steps forward, looking devastated. "They think you are a horrible leader for 'abandoning' us." "Lily it's ok. You should join them, same with you Thunder, Niagara. Go with them. You need to stay together to protect yourselves. Splitting up is bad especially when you would be in a herd of three."

Suddenly a thought comes to me. What if Lily came with me? Lily turns around and Niagara and Thunder follow her as if considering my advice. "Wild Heart what if we took Lily too?" "No, Eclipse. How would you explain you can't take Thunder or Niagara?" I nod. "Ok fine, we have to say goodbye then."

Free Spirit and Heart come into the cave. "We are ready." I nod to them. "Lily?" I walk over to her. "I- I guess this is goodbye. Niagara, Thunder. I'm going to miss you guys so much." I want to add in that we will probably see each other again but I'm not sure that's true and I don't want to throw false hope into the mess. "Goodbye Eclipse, I'm going to miss you so much." She starts choking up as if about to cry. I walk away because I can't cry right now. I'm going home.

"Come on guys." Black Star, Wild Heart, Free Spirit, and Heart follow me out. And one by one, I transport them to where I know my family is.



1,041 words. That was actually a little sad. But I'm sure you guys are happy. He gets to see Dakota, Magic, Sunrise and the others again. Also the reason it took so long to get this chapter out is because my aunts, uncles, and cousins were here for ten days. And then I was working on my other books. But you guys don't want excuses I'm sure. (Sorry because I always have excuses. They are real though and they do stop me from writing)

Anyway this book is close to being done only a few chapters left. Don't worry though because there is definitely fourth book (and I have a plot for fifth but I'm thinking of changing it. But that's not what I'm going into right now)

You guys can ignore below. ⬇️
It's just what I'm thinking about my readers.

When I started writing the first book I imagined writing a second and third but now that I'm actually finishing them it is crazy to think how far I have gone. When I got my first reader I was so excited. I never thought I would go this far but I have. And it's all thanks to my wonderful readers. I love you all and none of this would have come true if it weren't for you. THANKYOU SO MUCH!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
Goodbye for now! 😃❤️

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