Pet Names - Soraxx

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"Jaxx, Jaxx, Jaxx, Baby, Baby!!" The cyan haired boy opened the bedroom door quickly as he called out for his red head lover excitedly.

The taller of the two looked up from the farming videos he was watching to see Sora make his way to the bed. He lay in between Jaxx's legs, his head resting on his stomach, his back on the mattress.

"What's up?" Jaxx asked lovingly as he ruffled Sora's cyan hair.

"We need to talk." Sora responded briefly, keeping his eyes on Jaxx's phone.

"Oh, yea?" The red head responded, a hint of concern in his voice, as his bright auburn eyes flicked down at his boyfriend and his hair ruffling slowed down.

"So," the shorter boy started off "Y'know how I call you 'Baby' every so often?" He asked rhetorically.

"I realized that you don't have a pet name for me, you're always calling me 'Sora.'

Jaxx let out a small mental sigh of relief, glad that this "talk" wasn't as serious as he believed it would be.

"Alright then, what about 'Hot Stuff?' He asked, a mischievous grin growing on his face.

"Mmm, it's good, but I think that one would fit you more, y'know cause of your color theme and all." Sora replied slowly.


"Nope sounds too much like my name for you."

"Okay, what about 'Honey'?"

"Nah, that one would fit Charli more."

"Prince? My Knight in Shining Armor? Kitten? Puppy? Sweetheart? Love? Muffin?" Jaxx said as he started spewing out possible pet names for Sora.

"Eeeh, I don't know, they're not really what I'm looking for..." Sora replied dryly while looking around for any ideas.

"Sora, I can't help you out if you don't like any of my ideas then. I mean what do you want me to call you? 'Pancake'? I guess it would fit since you like eating pancakes so much, but it doesn't really-"

"WAIT" The cyan haired boy yelled out, cutting the other mid sentence.

"That one, that one right there, that's the one." He said excitedly, his lips turning into a big smile.

"You want me to call you 'Pancake'?..." Jaxx asked awkwardly, not really sure if that was the perfect pet name out there for Sora.

"What? No, I mean the other one, the one you said first!" Sora said while chuckling.

"Uh, Sora?"

"Yes yes, that one! Oh it just makes my heart flutter~" Sora exclaimed happily, his shining ocean blue eyes staring up at his lover.

"But... Sora, that's your normal name?" Jaxx half asked confused.

"Yea, maybe that's why I like it so much. It sounds ten times better when you're the one saying it!"

He leaned up to give the red head a quick peck on his cheek.

The cyan haired boy stood back up and grabbed the doorknob, shouting a quick "Thanks Hot Stuff!" to his confused red faced lover as he stepped out of the room.


Hihi! Not really sure how I feel about this oneshot. Sort of made it up as I went, which makes it sound a bit wonky. Nevertheless, still love this oneshot as it has Sora and Jaxx. Anyways hope you enjoyed, see you in the next one. - Hochi ♡

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